All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Astronauts may go to space for weeks or months, and their bones can lose years in that environment. Long periods in space can irreparably damage bone structure and cause parts of the human skeleton to age as much as 10 years, new research reveals. Research teams from Germany, the United States and Canada studied 14…  read on >  read on >

People who’ve had chemotherapy to treat a range of common cancers should also have a hearing test. In a new study of 273 cancer survivors, researchers found more than half experienced significant hearing loss even if they didn’t realize it. “While hearing loss associated with the administration of platinum drugs was reported in adults with…  read on >  read on >

When gout flares up, the joint pain is often excruciating. But that’s not the only worry tied to this common inflammatory arthritic condition. A new British study warns that gout flares double the risk for heart attack or stroke over the two months that follow. A spike in risk endures even three to four months…  read on >  read on >

Pills, patches, gums, nasal sprays and lozenges used to help smokers kick the habit can also help heavy drinkers cut back on alcohol, a new study suggests. The finding follows several months spent working with 400 smokers with HIV who were also heavy drinkers. Researchers determined that both the prescription smoking cessation medication varenicline (Chantix)…  read on >  read on >

Parechovirus, a virus that can cause severe illness in infants, is on the rise in parts of the United States. Twenty-nine infants were admitted to the Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville this year, which includes 23 admitted during a six-week period this spring, according to a new study. By contrast, only…  read on >  read on >

The United States has an opioid epidemic, but there’s one bright spot in the fight against it: Prescriptions for these addictive drugs have declined for patients with private insurance. Amid guidelines over the past decade from governments, health systems and insurers aimed at reducing opioid prescriptions, previous studies have pointed to a nationwide drop in…  read on >  read on >

Enjoying just two slices of Jarlsberg cheese every day may help stave off osteoporosis, a small Norwegian study suggests. The protective effect of cheese on bone-thinning appears to be an exclusive benefit of Jarlsberg, and a mere 2 ounces a day seems to be enough to protect bone health, the investigators reported. “Jarlsberg cheese might…  read on >  read on >

The number of Americans without health insurance continues to drop, reaching 8% in 2022 — a record low. That leaves about 26 million people living in America without health insurance. The announcement was made Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Every American has the right to the peace of mind that…  read on >  read on >