All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

People who sleep with a light on may be unwittingly keeping their nervous system awake, a small study suggests. The study of 20 healthy adults found that just one night of sleeping with the lights on spurred changes in people’s functioning: Their heart rates stayed higher during sleep compared to a night with lights off.…  read on >  read on >

They’re cute and expressive, but using lots of emojis in your communications at work could lower your standing among your colleagues, a new study suggests. The researchers conducted a series of experiments with hundreds of Americans and found that employees who use pictures and emojis in emails, Zoom profiles, or even company logos on T-shirts…  read on >  read on >

The more time kids spend in day care, the greater their risk for problem behaviors in primary school, according to a Swiss study. But, parents can take heart: The study also found that such problems generally disappear by the end of primary school. “It’s possible that external childcare may lessen the strength of child-parent attachment…  read on >  read on >

Even “safe” levels of ozone air pollution may increase adolescents’ risk of depression, a new study shows. Researchers analyzed four years of mental health data from 213 adolescents, ages 9-13, in the San Francisco Bay area and compared it with air quality data for their home addresses. Those who lived in areas with relatively higher…  read on >  read on >

A fresh review of recent government surveys suggests the well-being of 73 million American kids is under strain and seems to be getting worse. The upshot: anxiety, depression and behavioral problems appear to be on the rise, while the amount of time kids spent being physically active or getting preventive care has been on the…  read on >  read on >