Most people today simply aren’t as active as people were decades ago. You can blame technology for some of that. The conveniences of modern living have taken away many chances to burn calories. Homes, office buildings and even some public spaces have been modernized in ways that require people to be less physically active throughout… read on >
All Do It Herself:
Foot Fungus on the Run … But Race Has a Long Way to Go
The good news is that the fungus that causes athlete’s foot and other nasty skin and toenail infections is headed for extinction. The bad news is it could take millions of years. Scientists analyzed samples of Trichophyton rubrum fungus and concluded it may have lost its ability to sexually reproduce as it adapted to grow… read on >
Even Short Bursts of Activity Can Boost Long-Term Health
Simply climbing a single set of stairs, walking around the block or taking a three-minute jog can improve a middle-aged person’s health, even when such activity is spread across the day, new research suggests. After tracking the activity habits and health of more than 4,800 adults 40 years old and up for four years, researchers… read on >
The Benefits of Moving More
In the battle of the bulge, it’s not just getting exercise that matters — what you do when you’re not formally working out counts, too. Research shows that even getting 30 minutes of focused exercise a day may not be enough to ward off health woes if most of your leisure time is spent sitting.… read on >
Tai Chi Beats Aerobics for Fibromyalgia Pain
If you suffer from fibromyalgia, new research suggests tai chi might do more than aerobic exercise to ease your chronic pain. “Tai chi mind-body treatment results in similar or greater improvement in symptoms than aerobic exercise, the current most commonly prescribed nondrug treatment, for a variety of outcomes for patients with fibromyalgia,” the study authors… read on >
The Top Calorie-Burning Exercises
When you’re trying to lose weight, cutting calories counts. But so does burning them off with exercise. Exercise is also key to maintaining weight loss and being heart healthy, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Here are the maximum calorie burners, minute for minute. At the top of the list are running at… read on >
Health Tip: Help Your School Develop a Wellness Policy
A wellness policy is a written document that helps guide a school’s approach to nutrition and physical activity. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests: Including nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages sold on campus during the school day. Including policies for foods made available for classroom parties. Including policies to prevent… read on >
Health Tip: How You May Benefit From a Standing Desk
Standing desks are the fastest-growing employee benefit in the United States, recent research from the Society for Human Resource Management finds. A standing desk allows you to either stand up or sit while you work at your desk. It can be as simple and inexpensive as placing your computer monitor on top of a box… read on >
5 Ways Out of an Exercise Rut
Do you feel like you’re stuck in second gear when it comes to exercise? Maybe you just don’t experience the initial thrill of getting in shape anymore. Just as with dieting, it’s possible to hit a fitness plateau. Here are five ways to re-engage. To rekindle your enthusiasm for your primary fitness activity, shake things… read on >
Dealing With an Exercise-Related Injury
If you love exercise, one of the hardest parts of suffering an injury is being sidelined. But if you take the time to heal a sprain or strain correctly, you’ll get back in the game faster. First, understand your injury to treat it appropriately. A sprain affects ligaments, the bands of tissue that connect bones… read on >