Doctors can expect to see a host of core and hip/groin injuries among Major League Baseball pitchers. Moreover, these common injuries carry a high risk of re-injury, according to a new study. “Not only are these injuries becoming more prevalent among professional baseball pitchers, but we are also seeing a relatively high rate of re-injury… read on >
All Do It Herself:
After Knee Replacement, Play On
Knee replacement patients can continue to enjoy sports — such as skiing, tennis and dancing — without worrying that high-impact activities might compromise their new joint, a small, new study finds. The researchers tracked patients for between five and 15 years after knee replacement surgery, known as total knee arthroplasty. They found that sports participation… read on >
Broken, Sprained Necks: These Sports Pose the Most Risk
While football is frequently blamed for concussions, a new study shows that it’s also the sport in which athletes are most likely to suffer neck injuries. A neck fracture, commonly referred to as a broken neck, is a break in one or more vertebrae in the upper part of the spine. Neck sprains involve injury… read on >
Make Losing Weight a Family Affair
Is your family struggling with overweight or obesity? To lose weight, take a team approach. Studies show that when overweight parents shed pounds, so do their overweight kids. Parents hold the keys to positive behaviors that encourage a healthy weight, from doing the food shopping and cooking to getting kids involved in sports and other… read on >
Social Media Friends Can Bruise Your Body Image
Seeing too many social media posts from friends about their fitness activity can harm your body image, a new study contends. “When people received more posts about exercise, it made them more concerned about their weight — more self-conscious — and that’s not a good thing,” said study co-author Stephen Rains. He’s a professor of… read on >
Trying a New Sport? Remember, You’re Not (Yet) an Olympian
If watching the Winter Olympics made you want to try some new sports, go slow and ease into them, sports medicine experts caution. “The biggest issue we see are people who push too hard when trying something for the first time, and it gets out of control,” said Dr. Jayson Loeffert, a sports medicine doctor… read on >
Most Exercise, Hot Baths Should Be Safe During Pregnancy, Study Finds
If you’re pregnant and want to exercise in warm weather or take hot baths or short saunas, that’s safe, according to new research. Australian researchers said that doing so — within limits — should not raise your body temperature to a point that would put your baby at risk. The findings come from an analysis… read on >
Step Up Your Strength Training
Strength training is an essential part of a complete workout program. But whether you use free weights, machines or resistance bands, keep challenging your muscles by stepping up your routine as you progress. Training with eight to 10 exercises that target all muscle groups should be done two or three times a week. But never… read on >
How to Get That Perfect Shave
Guys, a perfect shave may be more about preparation and technique than the actual razor. “The perfect shave is a combination of art and trial and error,” said Dr. Robert Anolik, a clinical assistant professor of dermatology at the New York University School of Medicine. “That said, there are steps you can take to help… read on >
Hey Runners, Be Sure to Choose the Right Shoes
The only equipment you really need to go running are running shoes. But choosing a pair can often feel like a shopping marathon. There’s no shortage of big box sporting goods stores, but ask the staff at a local running club for suggestions about where to shop. The salespeople at a specialty shoe store should… read on >