Making the decision to live healthier often involves important steps such as losing weight and exercising more. These are significant goals and everyday lifestyle habits that you should commit to. But there’s another type of “makeover” that can benefit you in equally important ways. That’s changing your general outlook on life by boosting positivity. This… read on >
All Do It Herself:
Run for Your Life, New Study Recommends
Even a little running on a regular basis can extend your life, Australian researchers say. They analyzed 14 studies that included more than 232,000 people whose health was tracked for between 5.5 and 35 years. During the study periods, nearly 26,000 participants died. The collective data showed that any amount of running was associated with… read on >
Ways to Make Exercise More Enjoyable
Only about half of all American adults meet the national guidelines for aerobic activity and only about one-fifth meet the combined aerobic and strength-training goals. One reason is that some people just don’t find it enjoyable, so they don’t stick with it. Changing your mindset can lead not only to increases in exercise time, but… read on >
Health Tip: Six Exercises for Poor Posture
If you find yourself slouching or unable to stand straight, you may have poor posture, says Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. For many, poor posture can lead to back and neck pain. The school suggests these six exercises for poor posture: Head press. Elbow press. Chest lift. Bridge. Press up. Superman. If poor posture… read on >
Make a Plan for Gardening Next Spring With Your Kids
Are you still having a hard time getting your kids to eat their fruits and vegetables? Studies, including one in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, show that a successful solution is to grow your own. Kids get excited as they watch a garden produce and are more motivated to eat what… read on >
Health Tip: Hand Swelling During Exercise
Hand swelling during exercise is a common issue. Exercise increases blood flow to your heart, lungs and working muscles and may reduce blood flow to your hands. Experts believe reduced blood flow may lead to widening blood vessels in the hand, and subsequent swelling, says Mayo Clinic. To ease hand swelling discomfort related to exercise,… read on >
Skiing, Snowboarding Injuries Most Severe Among Younger Kids
Winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding are a great way to get kids active, but new research suggests extra safety measures may be in order for younger children. The study found that grade-schoolers had almost three times the odds of having a serious skull or facial fracture while skiing or snowboarding, compared to older… read on >
Quad Training for Knee Support
Whether you’re mountain biking, kicking a soccer ball with friends, or just sprinting down the street to catch a bus, your quadriceps are hard at work. The quads are the large muscles that run down the fronts of your thighs. The stronger they are, the less strain each movement will exert on your knees. Lunges… read on >
The Exercise Effect and Prediabetes
If you’ve been told that your blood glucose is higher than normal and that you have prediabetes, your doctor is likely to first suggest lifestyle steps to stop it from progressing to diabetes. The steps that can have the most benefit are losing weight and improving your diet, which obviously go hand in hand. But… read on >
A Workout to Protect Your Thumbs
The range of motion of the human thumb makes so many everyday hand movements possible. Whether you’re an athlete gripping sports equipment, a baker whisking egg whites or a do-it-yourselfer hammering a nail, you’d be at a total loss without your thumbs. Yet most people do little to protect these overlooked but essential digits. First,… read on >