Get up off of the couch: Sitting too much may kill you even if you exercise regularly. If you sit for six hours a day or more, your risk of dying early jumps 19 percent, compared with people who sit fewer than three hours, an American Cancer Society study suggests. And, the study authors added,…  read on >

When planning your Fourth of July outing, remember sun protection for youngsters. “It is imperative for parents to protect their children from the harmful effects of extreme sun exposure,” said Dr. Alberto Pappo, director of the Solid Tumor Division at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Kids are not immune from cancer just…  read on >

During the summer when people trade in their jackets and jeans for flip flops and bathing suits, more skin is exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays. Dr. Katherine Gordon, assistant professor of dermatology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, said summer is the perfect time for people to get in the habit of…  read on >

Student athletes who specialize in one sport year-round could lose out in academics and other fields, a new study finds. “Today’s students have so many responsibilities and when you add specializing in a sport — with participation in school and club teams, practices, tournaments and lots of travel — there just aren’t enough hours in…  read on >

While recommendations call for adults to exercise for 30 minutes a day, kids need double that amount — yes, 60 minutes of physical play a day. And being active as a family can make it easier for kids to reach this goal. For starters, make it a point to plan family outings that involve exercise,…  read on >

When packing for your summer vacation, be sure to include the right footwear, a podiatrist advises. “The type of vacation you go on will determine the type of shoe you need,” Dr. Ronald Lepow, an assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine’s department of orthopedic surgery, in Houston, said in a school news release. If…  read on >

Exercise boot camps get you in shape through one or more days of intensive training. Some have a celebrity aspect, like camps run by the dance squads of pro sports teams, while others promise the secrets of elite military training forces. There are so many that a quick internet search could serve up dozens in…  read on >

Obesity is no picnic for those who struggle with it, but new research sheds some light on why so few ever find their way to a healthy weight. It turns out that overweight and obese folks hold starkly different views on diet and exercise than their normal-weight peers, the study found. Namely, taste is their…  read on >

Bicycling or other regular exercise may help reduce harmful inflammation in obese people, a new study suggests. Physical activity tames inflammation by changing blood characteristics, according to a team led by Dr. Michael De Lisio, of the University of Ottawa in Canada. Chronic inflammation is behind many of the health problems associated with obesity, such…  read on >

Exercise is a known stress buster, and different disciplines relax and tone you in a variety of ways. So, you can pick and choose from many types of exercise to go beyond physical fitness to better mental health. Exercise’s mind-body boosts: Improves your mood by releasing natural feel-good chemicals. Decreases tension in your muscles. Leads…  read on >