Lose weight. Eat healthier. Quit smoking. These are all popular New Year’s resolutions that are often only kept for a short time, if at all. About 40% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution, most of which are abandoned by February, according to researchers at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. But Bernadette Melnyk, vice…  read on >

New Year’s Day is typically when you vow to start a new diet to take off any weight you put on over the holidays or have been carrying. This year, make your resolutions attainable — slight changes that improve health without making impossible-to-meet demands on yourself. If you enjoyed yourself last night, New Year’s Day…  read on >

Obesity can increase your child’s risk of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and prediabetes, says Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. With minor changes, you can help your child maintain a healthy weight. To help your child safely shed pounds, the hospital encourages parents to: Reduce or eliminate sweetened beverages, including soda. Add more vegetables…  read on >

Looking to ring in the New Year with cocktails that are lower in calories? Here are three delicious options worthy of a special celebration any time of the year with a little fruit tossed in for good measure. For an elegant pink champagne cocktail, to each glass add 4 ounces of dry champagne or Spanish…  read on >

Obesity is seldom a friend to health, but in one medical context it might give patients a slight advantage, new research suggests. Specifically, when Australian researchers looked at trials of atezolizumab, an immune system-based treatment for lung cancer, they found that the drug worked better in people who were overweight. The trial involved more than…  read on >

If you plan to make a New Year’s resolution about improving your health, the American Medical Association (AMA) has some good suggestions. “With too many holiday sweets and not enough exercise likely in the rearview mirror, now is the perfect time to consider your personal goals and how you can make positive health choices in…  read on >

Rushed for lunch? Yes, that nearby fast-food chain is convenient, but by tweaking your choices you can cut unwanted salt, fat and calories. When the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) updates its food guidelines, it doesn’t exactly break down how you’re supposed to fit all the healthy parts of the food pyramid into your lunch.…  read on >

Childhood obesity is such a crisis in America that officials have been updating recommendations for how early intervention should begin. Obesity now affects as many as 20% of the nation’s children. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force reviewed the literature on kids between 2 and 18 years of age and now recommends that kids over…  read on >

Elaborate feasts are a centerpiece of the holidays, but all that food can make people with restricted diets feel left out, a new study suggests. People whose allergies or health, religious or cultural norms keep them from sharing the meals with others can leave them lonely, researchers say. “Despite being physically present with others, having…  read on >

Finger foods are delicious, but they can pack on the calories even when you just nibble. Here are two appetizer makeovers with plenty of flavor and a lot less fat. Jalapeno poppers are a favorite thanks to their creamy filling and crunchy coating. By baking instead of deep frying them, you’ll cut back on hundreds…  read on >