Find Out If You Are An Emotional Eater Is emotional eating your downfall? One way to find out is with the EADES or “Eating and Appraisal Due to Emotions and Stress” questionnaire developed by Amy Ozier of Northern Illinois University. First published in 2007, it has been used and refined by many other researchers over…  read on >

Too much salt has long been linked to high blood pressure. In fact, one way to help control blood pressure is to reduce your salt intake. Research done at Vanderbilt University and published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation shows that salt may also be involved in weight gain. Traditional thinking has been that salty…  read on >

Weight-loss surgery should be more widely used to treat severely obese children and teens, a leading pediatricians’ group says. Severe obesity is a serious and worsening public health crisis among U.S. youngsters, and weight-loss surgery is one of the few effective ways of treating it, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in its…  read on >

Allergies and asthma can turn Halloween into fright night, so parents must be vigilant. Some fun-sized candy bars have no labels to alert about possible food allergens, such as peanuts, said Dr. Todd Mahr, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. But food allergens aren’t the only potential concerns. “Halloween happens in…  read on >

This Halloween, don’t deny yourself tempting treats or throw your healthy eating plan out of whack when the kids indulge. The answer is chocolate-covered fruit — all the sweetness of candy with nutrients you won’t find in the Trick or Treat bag. Fresh berries and fruit wedges, like apples and pears, are super high in…  read on >

From hives and itchiness to anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction to nuts can manifest itself in many ways, says the University of Rochester. If you are living with a nut allergy, the school suggests: When grocery shopping, check every item’s food label for nuts. Tell all restaurants and servers about your food allergy. Always keep medicine…  read on >

Computer-driven artificial intelligence (AI) can help protect human brains from the damage wrought by stroke, a new report suggests. A computer program trained to look for bleeding in the brain outperformed two of four certified radiologists, finding abnormalities in brain scans quickly and efficiently, the researchers reported. “This AI can evaluate the whole head in…  read on >

Some widely used drugs alter the population of microbes in the gut, and a number raise the risk of antibiotic resistance, a new Dutch study shows. The gut microbiome includes at least 1,000 species of bacteria and is influenced by a number of different factors, including medication. Research suggests that changes in the gut microbiome…  read on >

You probably already realize that adding zucchini or carrots to a cake won’t magically make it low calorie or healthy. But you might not realize that there are many foods that sound healthy but really aren’t. It might seem as though bran muffins are the perfect way to get needed fiber, but the 3 grams…  read on >

Love your chicken parm but not the crazy calorie overload you get at a restaurant? Try this lighter version that’s easy to make at home. Most of the unwanted calories in chicken parmesan come from heavy breading plus the typical big side of pasta. Both bring down the nutrition profile since the breading is made…  read on >