Under-the-tongue allergy pills have quickly caught on as a way to treat hay fever and dust mite allergies, a new study finds. Allergy shots have been available for more than 100 years, while sublingual, or under-the-tongue, allergy pills were only approved for use in the United States in 2014. But of 268 U.S. allergists surveyed…  read on >

Sugary drinks have been linked to a number of chronic diseases and conditions, says the American Heart Association. For those struggling with cutting back on drinks such as soda or lemonade, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services suggests: Limit sugary drinks to special occasions. Choose water or low-fat milk instead. Carry water with…  read on >

It’s not always possible to lower cholesterol through diet alone — sometimes there’s no way to override your DNA, and medication becomes a must. But certain foods can be part of the plan to improve your numbers, to both lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the bad one, and raise your high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good…  read on >

Need another reason to stay slim? People who are overweight have a greater risk of dying from pancreatic cancer, especially those who are carrying extra pounds before age 50, a new study suggests. “No matter what the age, there was some increase in pancreatic cancer deaths associated with excess weight. But the association was stronger…  read on >

An older but still common multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment has an unexpected perk: It not only quells symptoms, but patients may also live longer. New research revealed that patients taking a beta interferon drug for more than three years were likely to live longer than those who took one for a shorter time or who…  read on >

If you’re a hamburger lover who no longer wants to eat meat or simply wants to cut down on beef consumption, there are ways to get the taste and texture of a traditional burger. Start by experimenting with beef alternatives like firm tofu. Because it takes on the taste of ingredients in a marinade, you…  read on >

Foodborne illness is often preventable, yet millions of people become sick from this, says the World Health Organization. The organization’s “Five Keys to Safer Food” are: Wash your hands before handling/consuming food. Separate raw and cooked food. Cook food thoroughly. Keep food below 5 degrees C or above 60 degrees C. Avoid tap water and…  read on >

Berries are nature’s natural sweetener and they come loaded with benefits. Fiber, vitamins and antioxidants sweeten the deal. Fresh strawberries are a plentiful spring and summer fruit, so load up on them at the farmer’s market. One cup contains 100 percent of your daily vitamin C needs and has just 46 calories. Here are two…  read on >

Fresh vegetables are nutrient-rich diet mainstays and can be inexpensive when bought in season. Simple selection tips will enable you to choose the best produce to turn into delectable meals and, just as important, to store your vegetables to maximize flavor and “shelf life.” Tips for Picking Produce Broccoli should be emerald green with a…  read on >

She thought red yeast supplements would be a natural way to lower her cholesterol. What could be easier? Instead, the 64-year-old woman landed in the hospital with acute liver damage that her doctors say was likely caused by taking the over-the-counter product. “Many people are cautious to use [prescription] medications because of potential side effects,…  read on >