If you think a switch from sugar to a calorie-free sweetener might help you get healthier and shed pounds, think again. After years of research, there’s still only very weak evidence that no-cal sweeteners might be beneficial, according to German researchers who looked over data from 56 studies involving either adults or kids. The investigators…  read on >

For many, the start of the new year signals the start of a new diet. But what’s the best way to eat if you want to lose weight? For overall healthy eating, the best diet plan is the Mediterranean diet, according to U.S. News & World Report’s annual diet review. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to…  read on >

One of your New Year’s resolutions should be to be good to your skin, and dermatologists have 10 ways to help. “All the stresses and excesses of the holidays can leave your skin in bad shape, which makes you feel low, too,” said Dr. Megan Rogge, an assistant professor of dermatology the University of Texas…  read on >

Alcohol. It’s a fixture at New Year’s parties, but it’s also is a calorie guzzler — one drink can eat up 10 percent or more of a dieter’s daily allotment, depending on how fanciful the beverage is. And there are other ways booze can undermine your wellness efforts. The calories in every gram of alcohol…  read on >

When it comes to so-called good foods and bad foods, it’s pretty easy to separate a green salad from a piece of pie. But some healthy foods can become less beneficial for you simply because of the way you cook them. Researchers analyzed three years of eating patterns of kids between the ages of 7…  read on >

Regular bedtimes and adequate sleep during childhood may contribute toward a healthy weight in the teen years, a new study finds. The study included nearly 2,200 kids in 20 U.S. cities. One-third of them had consistent, age-appropriate bedtimes between ages 5 and 9, according to their mothers. Compared to that group, those who had no…  read on >

If you’re thinking about making some health-related resolutions for 2019, the American Medical Association (AMA) has some suggestions. “This is the perfect time of year for each of us to consider our personal goals, and how we can make positive health choices in the coming year,” said AMA President Dr. Barbara McAneny. “We encourage everyone…  read on >

The scourge of opioid addiction and related deaths cut through American society again in 2018, capturing headlines and making it the year’s top health story. Rates of opioid-linked fatal overdoses have nearly doubled over the past decade and topped 70,000 in 2017, according to data released in November by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control…  read on >

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of disorders that signal a person’s increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke, the American Heart Association says. Symptoms may include high blood pressure, high fasting blood glucose, high cholesterol and abdominal obesity. Metabolic syndrome is commonly associated with being overweight, lack of physical activity and advanced age. Source:…  read on >

Many people rely on chicken noodle soup to soothe a cold, but few know exactly why the warm broth brings relief. But one dietitian can explain its magic. “Studies have shown that a hearty bowl of chicken noodle soup may help clear nasal congestion and ease cold symptoms,” said Sandy Allonen, a clinical dietitian at…  read on >