Your EpiPen will still work after being frozen, researchers report. The epinephrine auto-injector can be lifesaving in cases of severe allergic reaction, and millions of Americans carry the devices. In this study, researchers “took 104 same-lot pairs of [EpiPens] and froze one of each pair for 24 hours, while the other was kept at recommended… read on >
All Food:
Sidestep These Menu Minefields
People with food allergies aren’t the only ones who need to be aware of menu minefields when eating out. If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important that you don’t fall prey to these temptations. It’s not only supersized meals that can be your diet downfall — restaurant meals in general have jumped in size.… read on >
Teenage Obesity May Raise Pancreatic Cancer Risk Years Later
Obesity in the teen years may increase the risk of developing deadly pancreatic cancer in adulthood, researchers report. The odds for this rare cancer can quadruple due to obesity, the Israeli research team found. Moreover, the risk rises as weight increases, even affecting men in the high normal weight range. “It’s been known for some… read on >
Two Factors at Birth Can Boost a Child’s Obesity Risk
Kids who were born large and whose mothers developed a form of diabetes during pregnancy have nearly triple the odds of becoming overweight or obese in childhood, new research shows. “Just like smoking, alcohol consumption and other lifestyle choices, [women’s] weight prior to getting pregnant, and weight gain and blood sugar control during pregnancy may… read on >
5 Diet Foods That Are High in Fiber
Dietary fiber is a unique component of many foods. It has no actual nutrients yet helps ward off a host of diseases and has even been associated with lower body weight. While women should aim for a minimum of 25 grams a day, and men 38 grams every day, only 5 percent of Americans get… read on >
Health Tip: What Triggers Peptic Ulcers?
The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is a dull or burning pain in your stomach, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says. Pain typically is felt between your belly button and breast bone, most often when your stomach is empty. The pain tends to last for minutes to hours,… read on >
Even a 2-Minute Walk Counts in New Physical Activity Guidelines
Take the stairs up to your office. Park a little further away from the grocery store. Walk your dog around the block. Carry out the trash. Any amount of physical activity — even two minutes’ worth — can add up to huge benefits for your immediate and long-term health, according to the new edition of… read on >
Health Tip: Limit Fat, Sugar and Salt in Your Child’s Diet
Childhood is the perfect time to start healthy eating habits, the American Academy of Pediatrics says. While children need fat in their diets to get the daily energy they need, too much fat can lead to health problems, especially if it’s in the form of saturated fat that can lead to heart disease later in… read on >
Fish, Fish Oil May Lower Your Heart Attack Risk
Eating more fish or taking a fish oil supplement can reduce your risk of a heart attack, according to a pair of Harvard-led clinical trials. Heart benefits from omega-3 fatty acids were found both in healthy people and in people with conditions that put them at increased risk of heart attack, stroke or heart disease,… read on >
Diabetes Drug Might Also Ease Heart Failure Risks
The diabetes drug Farxiga might do double-duty for patients, helping to ward off another killer, heart failure, new research shows. Type 2 diabetics who took Farxiga (dapagliflozin) saw their odds of hospitalization for heart failure drop by 27 percent compared to those who took a placebo, according to a study funded by the drug’s maker,… read on >