Having a late dinner and heading straight to bed may boost your risk of breast or prostate cancer, a new study suggests. Spanish researchers analyzed data from 621 prostate cancer patients and 1,205 breast cancer patients, as well as 872 men and 1,321 women without these cancers. People who ate their evening meal before 9…  read on >

Chemicals used to cure meats like salami and hot dogs may be linked to a mood disorder called mania, researchers report. Those chemicals, known as nitrates, are frequently added to processed meats to prevent bacteria growth. “There’s growing evidence that germs in the intestines can influence the brain,” said study lead author Dr. Robert Yolken.…  read on >

Have you reached your ideal weight? Congratulations! You’re halfway to winning the weight loss battle. The next phase, maintaining that loss, requires a different mindset. Think of it as a new permanent diet, not a return to your old way of eating, which is a sure way to return to your old weight. Following these…  read on >

Many children are prescribed powerful opioid painkillers they don’t really need, putting them and those around them at risk, a new study shows. More than one in 10 kids enrolled in Tennessee’s Medicaid program received an opioid prescription each year between 1999 and 2014, even though they did not have a severe condition requiring powerful…  read on >

Need another reason to eat healthy? New evidence bolsters the notion that nutritionally rich foods might help prevent or minimize asthma. While the study couldn’t prove cause and effect, one asthma specialist said there’s certainly no downside to eating better. “The health benefits of a diet rich in plant foods and unprocessed foods are already…  read on >

In a country where four out of 10 adults are obese, it’s probably good news that half of U.S. adults say they’ve recently tried to shed some pounds. They did this most often through exercise, cutting calories and eating their fruits and veggies, according to a new government survey that tracked Americans’ weight-loss attempts between…  read on >

Eating a healthful diet is easier when nutritious foods are more accessible. But it’s not enough to simply buy better choices. To make a habit of choosing healthy over less-healthy options, you want to make them as easy to eat, as visually appealing, and as everyday as the packaged treats that tempt you. That’s as…  read on >

An epi-pen may be a lifesaving injection for a person with severe allergies. But the device must be cared for and stored properly. Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) suggests how to care for your epi-pen: Store it away from direct light. Store it at room temperature. Do not refrigerate it or allow it to…  read on >

There’s another study suggesting that the vitamin and mineral supplements bought by millions of Americans do nothing to stave off heart disease. This time, the finding stems from an analysis of 18 studies conducted between 1970 and 2016. Each one looked at how vitamins and mineral supplements — which are not reviewed by the U.S.…  read on >

Your surroundings can play a big role when it comes to overeating. Learning how you respond in various circumstances can help you curb the calories. One study showed that people eat and drink less when their dinnerware is red — and more when it’s blue — because red acts like a stop sign. But another…  read on >