Is your kitchen towel making you sick? The answer could be yes if you use the towel for many purposes, have a large family and are not a vegetarian, according to a new study of germs lurking on towels. Forty-nine percent of the kitchen towels collected for the study were laden with bacteria, and the…  read on >

The dilemma is all too familiar: It’s Monday morning, you walk into your office and see that someone has left a big box of donuts in the break room. Then, your co-worker tells you there will be cake later for yet another birthday celebration. One thing’s for sure. You’re not alone. A new federal government…  read on >

More good news for coffee lovers: Having three or more cups of “joe” each day may help ward off serious liver ailments, new research suggests. The 26-year study of more than 14,000 Americans couldn’t prove cause and effect. However, participants who drank three-plus cups of coffee a day were 21 percent less likely to find…  read on >

It’s well-known that Americans consume too much sugar. But that affinity for the sweet stuff starts as early as infancy, with some babies consuming added sugar that exceeds maximum levels recommended for adults, U.S. researchers report. Eating foods with added sugar can influence a child’s food choices later in life. And added sugar has been…  read on >

Eating fish twice a week reduces your risk of a heart attack or stroke, the American Heart Association says. The AHA recommends eating two 3.5-ounce servings of non-fried fish, or about 3/4 cup of flaked fish, every week. Eating just one serving a week is better than eating none, particularly if it is swapping out…  read on >

If more Americans ate healthier diets, the nation could save tens of billions of dollars in health care costs for major problems such as heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, strokes, hip fractures and Alzheimer’s disease. That’s the conclusion of a new study in which researchers assessed different scenarios and determined that boosting the number…  read on >

Even patients who have taken high doses of opioid painkillers for long periods of time aren’t unhappy with their care when their doctor lowers their dose, new research suggests. The study included nearly 2,500 patients with chronic pain who had been on high doses of opioids for at least six straight months. The researchers compared…  read on >

Omega-3 fatty acids — good fats found in fish — can boost the heart health of adults, but a new study suggests that babies might also stand to benefit from them. In the study from Australia, infants were given a daily fish oil supplement or a placebo from birth to 6 months. When they were…  read on >

Gum disease may include symptoms from swollen gums to bad breath and loose or sensitive teeth. Gum disease starts with a buildup of bacteria in the mouth. Tiny microbes combine with mucus and other particles to form plaque on the teeth and gumline. Brushing and flossing will get rid of some plaque, but if any…  read on >

Treating stroke survivors’ blood pressure more aggressively might prevent a substantial number of deaths, a new study estimates. Last year, new guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association lowered the threshold for diagnosing high blood pressure. They said people should consider treatment when their numbers reach 130/80 mm Hg or higher…  read on >