About 95 percent of Americans take some action to prevent cancer, according to a new survey. Three-quarters of respondents said they don’t smoke; 74 percent limit their alcohol consumption; 72 percent stick to a healthy diet; and 90 percent are aware of their family’s cancer history, the survey found. Women are far more likely than…  read on >

There has been a large increase in the number of young hospital patients in the United States who suffer harmful side effects from opioid painkillers, a new study says. The findings show an urgent need for safer pain medications for young patients, the researchers said. The researchers reviewed federal government data on hospital stays by…  read on >

Many students who suffer a severe allergic reaction at school get potentially lifesaving epinephrine injections from unlicensed staff or other students, not a school nurse, a new study finds. “The findings highlight the importance of having a supply of epinephrine available in schools, and people trained to administer it during an allergy emergency,” said study…  read on >