Acetaminophen during surgery might reduce common complication, study says read on >
All Food:
Can Aspirin Stop Liver Cancer in Hepatitis B Patients?
Study from Taiwan finds link between aspirin use and reduced cancer risk read on >
FDA Approves 2nd Gene Therapy
Yescarta fights a type of lymphoma; move is heralded as helping open ‘new era’ in medical care read on >
Gung Ho for Green Tea
Fun alternatives may also pour on the health benefits read on >
Newer Blood Thinners May Not Bring Higher Bleeding Risk
Risk is similar to warfarin, study reports read on >
How Foods Labeled ‘Healthy’ Can Still Make You Fat
Those that contain high amounts of sugar trigger snacking later, study finds read on >
Health Tip: Best Grains And Starchy Veggies for Diabetics
What the American Diabetes Association suggests
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Go Fish!
Health Tip: 5 Suggestions to Promote Healthy Aging
And see long-term results
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A-Fib Hits Men Earlier Than Women
Excess weight also ups risk for the heart rhythm disorder, study says read on >