Researchers find weight gain speeds up a year after delivery, suggest motherhood might be the reason why read on >
All Food:
Health Tip: Coping With TMJ
Take it easy on your jaw
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Vitamin D Pumps Up Muscles
People with higher ‘active’ levels of the vitamin in the bloodstream had more muscle mass, study finds read on >
Vitamin D Linked to Lower Risk of Respiratory Infections
But medical experts can’t agree if recommending supplements or food fortification would be helpful read on >
Health Tip: Give Your Kids Bone-Building Food
Suggestions for stronger bodies
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5 Ways Women Can Cut Their Heart Attack Risk
Heart disease is leading cause of death in U.S., but many don’t know they have it read on >
Health Tip: Enjoy Beans
Here are potential benefits
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Health Tip: Eat Your Antioxidants
And protect cells from damage
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Health Tip: Culprits Behind Stained Teeth
When your pearly whites turn yellow read on >
Needed: An ‘Action Plan’ for Kids Prone to Severe Allergic Reactions
First line of defense is an epinephrine auto-injector, pediatricians say read on >