Nearly 2 of 3 young people using e-cigs load them with flavors such as bubble gum or gummy bear read on >
Nearly 2 of 3 young people using e-cigs load them with flavors such as bubble gum or gummy bear read on >
Unhealthy habits to break read on >
Those who saw doctor three times after procedure had better blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels read on >
Researchers suggest their bodies may respond differently than men after procedure read on >
Athletes and non-athletes alike may overdo it, sometimes with tragic consequences read on >
9 out of 10 exceed daily recommendations, CDC researchers find read on >
Focus your attention on something else
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Children from kindergarten through second grade put on weight when school’s out, study found read on >
What parents can do
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Spouse’s chronic stress takes a toll on partner’s health, study suggests read on >