For parents of a child with autism, communication is often the No. 1 hurdle. But what if there were a simple way to help them get their youngster talking? A new study suggests there just might be. It’s called “pivotal response treatment” (PRT). And those who have tried it say it can open up a…  read on >

Want to reduce your risk of dementia? Take care of your heart. That’s the takeaway from a new study that suggests good heart health in middle age could lower your odds for problems with thinking and memory later in life. The study included nearly 7,900 British adults who did not have heart disease or dementia…  read on >

Donating blood generally is safe, says Mayo Clinic. New, sterile equipment should be used for each donor. To have a safer blood-donation experience, Mayo suggests: Get plenty of sleep before donating and eat a healthy, low-fat meal. Drink an extra 16 ounces of water before the donation. For platelet donors, do not take aspirin for…  read on >

So-called “conversion therapy” can trigger depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicidal thoughts and attempts, and it should be banished in the United States, medical experts say in a new report. Conversion therapy is used in an attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, most typically to turn someone who is gay into…  read on >

Preemies often lag behind full-term babies in getting routine vaccinations — and the difference remains at age 3, a new study finds. Misguided parental “hesitancy” over the safety of vaccines for preemies might be to blame, researchers said. The study found that preterm babies were less likely to be up-to-date on seven recommended vaccines by…  read on >

Pile those vegetables and fruits high when you sit down to eat, and your heart will thank you. A diet rich in plant-based foods translated into fewer heart problems in a new study. For the study, the researchers analyzed data collected from more than 10,000 middle-aged U.S. adults who were followed from 1987 through 2016.…  read on >

Thinking of picking up an electric fan to help keep you cool and protect your health during the next heat wave? You might want to think again. Electric fans might make you feel cooler, but they can actually increase your risk of becoming heat sick and even dying from a heat stroke, the evidence shows.…  read on >

Taking your blood pressure may become as easy as taking a video selfie if a new smartphone app proves itself. High blood pressure can be a warning sign of a heart attack or stroke, but half of those with hypertension don’t know it. Developing an easy at-home blood pressure screen could potentially save lives. A…  read on >

A small electric “tickle” to the ear may affect the body’s nervous system, and British researchers claim this can promote overall well-being and may potentially slow down some effects of aging. The tickle treatment is called transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS). The procedure involves placing custom-made clips containing electrodes on the part of your ear…  read on >