Could an algorithm take your job someday? Concerns about artificial intelligence, or AI, are plaguing U.S. workers, according to a new American Psychological Association poll. Some workers are uncomfortable with the way their employers are tracking them, while others worry that AI will make their jobs obsolete. “Employers interested in investing in artificial intelligence systems…  read on >  read on >

Two new studies looked to explain an increased risk of respiratory infections like coughs and colds in babies and young children, finding city living to be among the culprits. Young children who grow up in towns and cities instead of the countryside suffer more respiratory infections, according to research presented Monday at a meeting of…  read on >  read on >

When someone has surgery, pain may be top of mind. An expert in managing post-op pain offers three tips for keeping it under control, safely. “Pain can inhibit recovery, but good pain control can be an accelerator of a patient’s recovery,” said Dr. Jonah Stulberg, a member of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Patient…  read on >  read on >