If you’ve ever wondered why emotional distress causes stomach cramps or a mad dash to the bathroom, know that there’s a direct line of communication that runs from your brain to your digestive tract. It’s called the enteric nervous system, and it can have a powerful effect. For instance, when you feel nervous or threatened,…  read on >

Even amid an epidemic of abuse, opioid painkillers are still commonly prescribed to teenagers and young adults for conditions like tooth and back pain, a new study finds. Researchers found that between 2005 and 2015, opioids were prescribed to teens and college-age adults at nearly 57 million visits to doctors’ offices and emergency departments in…  read on >

When it comes to your home, safety first is a good rule to follow. And there are many steps you can take to limit home accidents. Making sure you have proper smoke and carbon monoxide detectors is at the top of the list. On a daily basis, your hands can face many hazards around the…  read on >

Capable of turning in a variety of directions, the shoulder is among the body’s most mobile joints. That makes it easy to dislocate, says the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. To treat a partially or completely dislocated shoulder, a doctor will place the upper arm bone back into the joint socket. Severe pain should stop…  read on >

To use crutches safely, be sure they fit you properly. Also use care when carrying objects, says the Ohio State University Medical Center. To prevent falls, the center encourages those on crutches to: Clean the crutch tips often. Put away all throw rugs on the floor. Take your time. Do not try to walk too…  read on >

Water polo players appear to face similar head injury risks as athletes in better-known sports, a new study FINDS. “For years, water polo’s head trauma risks have been downplayed or overshadowed by football-related brain injuries,” said study co-author James Hicks. “Our data quantifies the extent of the problem and sets the stage for additional research…  read on >

The popular weed killer Roundup might be linked to liver disease, a new study suggests. A group of patients suffering from liver disease had elevated urine levels of glyphosate, the primary weed-killing ingredient in Roundup, according to researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). “We found those patients who had more severe disease…  read on >

There were greater increases in colon cancer screening rates in states that expanded Medicaid than in those that did not, a new study finds. It also found that expansion resulted in hundreds of thousands more people getting screened for colon cancer through colonoscopy, stool testing or sigmoidoscopy. “Health insurance is a strong predictor of cancer…  read on >

Arthritis in the knees can strike people as young as 45, with symptoms severe enough to limit activities and harm quality of life. What can be done about it? First, know that inactivity isn’t the answer. You need to move, so try low-impact exercises like walking and swimming. Researchers are also looking at possible benefits…  read on >

Do you worry a lot? Besides the anxiety it’s causing you emotionally, it can threaten your health. Whether you worry over actual problems or the fear of future ones, it interferes with sleep and quality of life. And, according to research done at Case Western Reserve University, it can be so intrusive that it harms…  read on >