Interacting with lots of different people may help you live longer and healthier, a new study suggests. Older people who spend more time with family members, close friends, acquaintances, casual friends and even strangers were more likely to be physically active, spend less time sitting or lying around and have a more positive attitude and…  read on >

A half-hour of morning exercise can help control blood pressure in overweight and obese people for the entire day, a new study finds. And for women in particular, adding frequent short breaks from sitting through the day can offer additional benefit, the Australian researchers said. “For both men and women, the magnitude of reduction in…  read on >

As excited as you are that your teen’s going to college, it’s normal to have mixed emotions, such as anxiety, sadness and possibly depression. It’s even normal to feel envious that his or her life is just beginning while yours is on the wane. For most parents, this rush of emotions will pass, but both…  read on >

The number of people living with Parkinson’s disease worldwide could double in the next two decades, experts project. In a report warning of a possible Parkinson’s “pandemic,” researchers say the stage is set for cases to surge to 12 million or more by 2040. What’s to blame? In large part, trends that are generally positive:…  read on >

More primary care doctors mean longer life for patients, but a shortage of these physicians is looming, a new study finds. Why? Fewer medical students are choosing primary care as a career, mostly because of money, the researchers noted. However, every 10 additional primary care doctors per 100,000 Americans was associated with a nearly 52-day…  read on >

Men and women who get hormone therapy during gender transition treatment may face a much higher risk for developing heart disease, new Dutch research cautions. “In light of our results, we urge both physicians and transgender individuals to be aware of this increased cardiovascular risk,” said study author Dr. Nienke Nota, a researcher in the…  read on >

Most women use eye makeup, but it does carry some risk, the American Academy of Ophthalmology says. The academy suggests how to use eye makeup safely: Infection-causing bacteria may grow in creamy or liquid eye makeup. So throw any unused eye makeup away after three months. If you develop an eye infection, immediately throw out…  read on >

An average of two children die from burns and more than 300 are treated for such injuries in U.S. emergency departments every day, a burn expert says. Burns are one of the leading causes of death and injury in the United States, and children are particularly vulnerable. Young children are at increased risk for accidental…  read on >

Infants who are given general anesthesia for an hour are unlikely to suffer harm, but the safety of longer and repeated exposure remains unknown, a new study says. Among more than 700 infants in seven countries, the researchers didn’t find any measurable neurodevelopmental or behavioral problems up to the age of 5. “Nearly half the…  read on >

Insurance rules that limit access to the addiction treatment medication buprenorphine may be worsening the U.S. opioid epidemic, a new study suggests. “Buprenorphine is a safe and effective treatment that decreases deaths due to opioids and stops heroin and other opioid use. People on buprenorphine are able to get their lives back together,” said study…  read on >