Only a small percentage of Americans have had their DNA analyzed — but many are tempted to try it, according to new research. For the study, University of Michigan researchers surveyed nearly 1,000 adults aged 50 to 64. While curious about their ancestry or health risks, the majority said they fear they’ll worry excessively if…  read on >

Pain sends more people to the doctor than any other ailment. But if you don’t want relief from a medicine bottle — or when that relief isn’t enough — consider complementary and integrative health approaches for their emotional as well as physical benefits. Though certain types of movement can feel painful, especially if you’re in…  read on >

A Cesarean section is major surgery, and it’s normal to be tired and have pain and discomfort after the procedure, the Mayo Clinic says. Mayo offers this advice about recovery after a C-section: Rest as often as you can. Avoid lifting anything heavier than your newborn. Take pain medication as needed and use a heating…  read on >

If your head isn’t typically kept upright and is leaning forward, backward, to the left or right, there could be various causes involving vision, the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus says. Here’s the association’s partial list of examples: Eye misalignment: A person may compensate for misaligned eyes in order to prevent double vision…  read on >

People with type 2 diabetes who are taking common drugs called diuretics may be at a significantly increased risk of losing a foot or leg, according to a new French study. Researchers found that taking a diuretic raised the odds of having an amputation, or requiring an angioplasty or bypass, by 75 percent or more,…  read on >

Losing weight often comes down to changing the patterns and habits that led to overeating. And that usually takes self-control, or the ability to resist temptation. Think of self-control as the inner voice that keeps you from indulging in high-calorie food and prompts you to stick to your diet. But having to constantly resist temptation…  read on >

MONDAY, Oct. 1, 2018If your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol or blood sugar levels fluctuate, you may have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke and premature death than people with more steady readings, new research suggests. According to the study, during nearly six years of follow-up, men and women whose readings changed the most were…  read on >

For people suffering from a cold, the severity of their symptoms may be linked to the mix of bacteria that inhabit their nose. New research suggests the amount and type of organisms residing in the nose might explain why some people’s symptoms are worse than others — even if they are infected with the same…  read on >

Colored contacts — also known as costume, decorative or fashion contact lenses — can change the way your eyes look. Although colored contacts may not change your vision, it is important to get a doctor’s prescription to help ensure a proper fit, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says. A colored contact that fits poorly…  read on >

It’s a perfect case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. A potentially dangerous bacteria appears to target malignant cells and could provide a new means of fighting cancer, a small, preliminary study reports. The bacteria, Clostridium novyi-NT, can cause gas gangrene and sepsis if infection is allowed to run amok in a…  read on >