As women around the world wage war against cancer, good news on the breast cancer front is tempered by predictions that lung cancer deaths could rise more than 40 percent. Researchers in Spain reported that between 2015 and 2030, lung cancer deaths among women worldwide will likely increase 43 percent. During that same period, however,…  read on >

A single traumatic brain injury can raise a person’s risk of dementia, a new study suggests. “Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of death and disability in young adults,” said researcher Elisa Zanier, from the Mario Negri Institute in Milan, Italy. “Moreover, even in milder cases, it represents a risk factor for dementia, such…  read on >

If you think your inability to control food cravings is all in your head, you’re right. Losing weight is about more than cutting calories — you also have to resist food urges. And while behavior modification is a successful long-term tool, sometimes you need a quick fix. If everyone craved broccoli, there wouldn’t be a…  read on >

People who want to have weight-loss surgery are facing much longer wait times now than a decade ago, a new study finds. Among weight-loss surgery patients in Michigan, the typical wait time almost doubled between 2006 and 2016 — from 86 days, to 159 days, researchers reported. Delays were especially common for patients on Medicaid,…  read on >

The urinary system is the body’s way to rid itself of wastes and extra water. But the urinary tract also is a common spot for infection (UTI). While anyone can develop a UTI, about four times as many women develop them as men, the U.S. National Library of Medicine says. You’re also at higher risk…  read on >

Postpartum depression causes symptoms including unhappiness and hopelessness among new moms. The good news is that it’s usually temporary and treatable, Postpartum Support International says. The organization offers these suggestions for the partner of a woman with postpartum depression: Reassure her that the condition is not her fault, that she is not alone, and that…  read on >

Deer ticks are scary enough. Now, scientists have linked bites from the lone star tick to about one-third of all potentially life-threatening allergic reactions around Tennessee. A lone star tick bite can cause a severe immune system response to red meat — such as beef, pork and lamb — said study lead author Dr. Debendra…  read on >

People with severe depression may have particularly low blood levels of an amino acid involved in brain function, a new study suggests. The substance, called acetyl-L-carnitine (LAC), is naturally produced in the body. It aids in metabolism, and animal research suggests it prevents “excessive firing” of cells in certain parts of the brain. LAC is…  read on >

A new survey suggests health care professionals are giving short shrift to their older patients when it comes to explaining the risks of opioid painkillers. Researchers found that most older Americans who are prescribed opioids aren’t advised about the dangers of the drugs, how to use fewer of them, when to use non-opioid alternatives, or…  read on >

While blisters can occur most anywhere there’s friction against the skin, they are commonly associated with the feet. To help prevent foot blisters, the American Academy of Dermatology suggests: Wear socks that absorb moisture. Make sure your shoes fit properly. Wear moisture-absorbing, loose- fitting clothing. Avoid clothing made from cotton, which can lead to friction…  read on >