The increased risk of cancer in people with diabetes is higher for women than men, a new study finds. Previous research identified the link between diabetes and cancer risk, but this study looked at whether that risk differs between men and women. The takeaway: Among people with diabetes, women have a 6 percent higher risk…  read on >

A modified type of botulinum toxin — botox — gave mice long-term pain relief and may someday be a safer alternative to opioids as a treatment for chronic pain, according to British researchers. They “deconstructed” the botulinum molecule and reassembled it with an opioid called dermorphin. The resulting compound — called Derm-BOT — silenced pain…  read on >

One low-dose aspirin a day could help women avoid ovarian cancer or boost their survival should it develop, two new studies suggest. In fact, daily low-dose aspirin — the type many older women already take to help their hearts — was tied to a 10 percent reduction in developing ovarian cancer. It was also tied…  read on >

Most spider bites do not fully penetrate human skin, so they tend to only cause a mild reaction. But if the bite is from a brown recluse spider or a black widow, it will cause a much more serious reaction that requires immediate care, the Nemours Foundation says. If you suspect a spider bite, wash…  read on >

The Great Recession continues to take a grim toll: Since 2009, a growing number of Americans have died from liver disease and liver cancer. The increase among 25- to 34-year-olds is especially troubling because the deaths are due to cirrhosis, a disease caused by excessive drinking, the authors of a new study said. The researchers…  read on >

Using any form of nicotine during pregnancy or while nursing may raise a baby’s risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), new animal research suggests. The findings indicate that nicotine patches or electronic cigarettes may not be a safe alternative to cigarettes during pregnancy, the study authors said. The findings appear in the July 18…  read on >

Using sulfonylurea drugs with or instead of metformin to control blood sugar increases type 2 diabetics’ risk of serious complications, a new study finds. Metformin is a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes, meaning it is the first drug that will be tried. But sulfonylureas are the most often-used second-line treatment, commonly along with metformin.…  read on >

Bed bugs are excellent at hiding in the seams of chairs, in and around the bed and in the folds of cushions, the U.S. National Library of Medicine says. The agency suggests how to prevent bed bug infestation at home: Check secondhand furniture for any signs of bed bugs before purchasing. Use protective covers to…  read on >

Having a late dinner and heading straight to bed may boost your risk of breast or prostate cancer, a new study suggests. Spanish researchers analyzed data from 621 prostate cancer patients and 1,205 breast cancer patients, as well as 872 men and 1,321 women without these cancers. People who ate their evening meal before 9…  read on >

Chemicals used to cure meats like salami and hot dogs may be linked to a mood disorder called mania, researchers report. Those chemicals, known as nitrates, are frequently added to processed meats to prevent bacteria growth. “There’s growing evidence that germs in the intestines can influence the brain,” said study lead author Dr. Robert Yolken.…  read on >