Thinking about a vasectomy? Now — as March Madness begins — might be just the time for the procedure. The NCAA basketball tournament and other major “sporting events are a popular time for men to schedule a vasectomy because we advise them to take it easy for two to three days after the procedure,” Dr.…  read on >

You can add hearing loss to the many health risks of smoking, new research suggests. For the study, researchers analyzed eight years of health data on more than 50,000 people in Japan. After accounting for work-related noise exposure and other hearing loss risk factors, the investigators found that smokers were 1.2 to 1.6 times more…  read on >

Eating one serving of green leafy vegetables per day is associated with slower age-related cognitive decline, recent research suggests. Reported in the journal Neurology — the study involved 960 adults with an average age of 81 and no sign of dementia. The difference between those who ate the greens and those who did not was…  read on >

A large study has confirmed what many public health experts have long believed: Colonoscopy saves lives. The study looked at roughly 25,000 patients in the Veterans Affairs (VA) health system, where colonoscopy is widely used. The VA views it as the main screening test for patients aged 50 and older who have average odds for…  read on >

People who’ve had a heart attack are more likely to be prescribed and take recommended blood-thinning drugs if they get vouchers to waive their co-payments, a new study shows. The finding comes from a study of 11,000 people treated for heart attack at 300 U.S. hospitals. All of the patients had health insurance: 64 percent…  read on >

Many people think hookah smoking is less harmful than cigarettes, but they might not realize that hookahs can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, a medical expert warns. The devices — also called water pipes — are heated by burning charcoal. That releases carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas. About 100 cases of carbon monoxide poisoning…  read on >

If you’re planning a career change or wondering if a challenging job could have positive effects, research might provide some intriguing answers. In a 2014 study, scientists in Scotland used levels of job complexity based on the Dictionary of Occupational Titles for an analysis of more than 1,000 participants with an average age of 70.…  read on >

You should check your cholesterol at least every five years, or more often if there’s a problem, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) says. Your blood sugar and blood pressure could influence your cholesterol levels, the association says, so a person with diabetes should pay particular attention to these risk factors. The ADA offers these tips…  read on >

Your waist size, especially if you’re a woman, might predict your risk of a heart attack, the American Heart Association says. British researchers writing in the Journal of the American Heart Association recently reported that women who have bigger waists — relative to their hips — are at greater risk of heart attack than men…  read on >

“Financial toxicity” caused by high cancer drug prices is harming people’s ability to fight the dreaded disease, a new report from the President’s Cancer Panel warns. The report, released Tuesday, argues that urgent action is needed to stem the growing price tags associated with new cancer drugs, particularly if the price doesn’t match the amount…  read on >