Before the #MeToo movement and the fall of numerous powerful men accused of sexual harassment, researchers surveyed thousands of women and found the problem to be widespread. The poll, conducted last winter by Harvard researchers, found those women most likely to report sexual harassment were young and college-educated. Among women 18 to 29 years old,…  read on >

A spot of hot tea in the afternoon might help you save your sight, new research suggests. The study of U.S. adults found that people who drank hot tea on a daily basis were 74 percent less likely to have glaucoma, compared to those who were not tea fans. Experts were quick to stress that…  read on >

It’s important to keep your home as safe as possible, especially if a loved one has Alzheimer’s disease. The U.S. National Institute on Aging offers these suggestions: Clearly post emergency numbers and your home address near any telephone. Install secure locks on all outside doors and windows. Install alarms that notify you when a door…  read on >

Many people insist their joints ache more when it rains. But that popular notion might be all wet, a new study suggests. The study of more than 1.5 million older Americans found that people were no more likely to visit the doctor with joint or back pain during rainy weeks than sunny ones. Even among…  read on >

Emergency room doctors must think fast — and video games might help boost their decision-making, new research suggests. A study led by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine found an adventure video game improved ER doctors’ ability to assess the level of care needed by trauma patients. “Physicians must make decisions quickly and with…  read on >

Raising one particular tax just might have a public health benefit. The tax in question? States’ alcohol excise tax. In the United States, those taxes have not kept pace with inflation, which could limit their public health benefits, researchers report. In inflation-adjusted dollars, the average state alcohol excise tax has fallen by 30 percent for…  read on >

Even getting a good night’s sleep requires some thought and preparation. The National Sleep Foundation offers these suggestions: Go to sleep at the same time every night, even on weekends. Create a relaxing bedtime ritual. Avoid naps. Exercise daily. Maintain a cool sleeping temperature between 60 degrees and 67 degrees. Buy a comfortable mattress and…  read on >

A full moon may spell extra danger for motorcyclists, a new study suggests. Momentary distractions are a common cause of crashes. Because a full moon can be a major distraction and occurs about 12 times a year, researchers decided to investigate whether full moons might be linked to more motorcyclists’ deaths. “Glancing at the full…  read on >

When it comes to kids with cancer, most health care providers who care for them say they’d help their patients get medical marijuana. That finding stems from an analysis of survey responses from 288 doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychologists, social workers and registered nurses. The survey respondents — in Boston, Chicago and Seattle —…  read on >

Buying new clothes for an upcoming holiday trip may top your to-do list, but packing the right medications can mean addressing health needs with ease rather than scrambling to find an all-night drugstore in a strange city. Prescription medications are the top priority, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Bring enough…  read on >