Caring for a child with cancer can be emotionally and physically overwhelming. The Children’s Oncology Group says the best thing such a parent can do is to accept help from friends and family. The group mentions these benefits of doing so: You will have more energy to take care of your child, spend time with…  read on >

Have rheumatoid arthritis? Treat yourself to some blueberries and a cup of green tea. They’re among the foods that could ease the pain, swelling and stiffness in your joints and even slow progression of the disease, researchers say. Dried plums, pomegranates, whole grains, the spices ginger and turmeric, and olive oil may also help. These…  read on >

If you’re looking for a cough remedy this cold season, you might be out of luck. Nothing has been proven to work that well, according to a new report from the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). After reviewing clinical trials testing everything from cough syrups to zinc, an ACCP panel came to some less-than-positive…  read on >

As humans evolved, height and weight developed at different rates. That’s the conclusion of researchers who analyzed 311 fossil specimens of modern-day human’s hominin ancestors, dating from 4.4 million years ago to humans who lived after the last ice age. Hominin evolution was a “long and winding road with many branches and dead ends” that…  read on >

If you have diabetes, it’s important to make every food decision count. The American Diabetes Association identifies these “superfoods” that offer plenty of potential health benefits: Beans Dark-green leafy vegetables Citrus fruit Sweet potatoes Berries Tomatoes Fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids Nuts Low-fat milk and yogurt Source: HealthDay

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, texting: Sometimes it seems today’s young adults are online more often than not. But new research suggests that the amount of time young adults spend on social media doesn’t seem to affect their risk for mental health problems. The finding came from a study of 467 young adults who were asked about…  read on >

Whether you are in a car, plane or train, maintaining the right body temperature can help you get needed rest. So don’t forget to include a blanket on your list of essentials to pack, the National Sleep Foundation says. Maintaining the right body temperature will help you fall asleep and stay asleep, the organization says.…  read on >

Complaining of burnout and job dissatisfaction, many U.S. doctors plan to reduce their work hours or leave medicine altogether, a new study reveals. “Our findings have profound implications for health care organizations,” according to the researchers from the American Medical Association (AMA), the Mayo Clinic and Stanford University. The study found that about one in…  read on >

Fun, decorative drinking glasses may contain potentially harmful levels of lead and cadmium, a new British study says. University of Plymouth researchers analyzed 72 new and second-hand decorated drinking glasses, including tumblers, beer and wine glasses, and jars. Around 7 out of 10 tested positive for lead or cadmium, both toxic metals. Lead was found…  read on >