Desks that require folks to stand or move as they work also might help them produce better results on the job, a new study suggests. People’s brains became sharper when working at a desk that made them stand, step or walk rather than sit, results show. Reasoning scores in particular improved when at an active…  read on >  read on >

Three anti-smoking groups announced Tuesday that they have sued the U.S. government yet again after it missed its latest deadline for enacting a ban on menthol cigarettes. This is the second lawsuit that the plaintiffs — the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, Action on Smoking and Health and the National Medical Association — have…  read on >  read on >

More patients these days are taking part in cancer research, a new study finds. At least one in five people with cancer (22%) participate in some form of clinical research, when all types of cancer studies are considered, researchers found. Moreover, enrollment in cancer treatment trials was 7%, more than double previous participation estimates of…  read on >  read on >