Mental health screening at start of and during cancer treatment is vital, study author says read on >
All Health and Wellness:
Health Tip: Healthy Brain Suggestions
Keep your mind sharp read on >
Don’t Let the Tick Stick
Dermatology expert offers advice on tick removal and avoiding them in the first place read on >
How Would Your Family Weather a Disaster?
Failure to plan is the number one mistake read on >
Lady Gaga’s Fibromyalgia Puts Illness in the Spotlight
Daily struggle with chronic pain, disability defines patients’ lives, experts say read on >
Coming Soon: Glaucoma Self-Care, From Home?
Study finds many patients can manage self-testing, but one doctor questions its value read on >
Even a Little More Activity Could Save Millions of Lives
Think of walking to work or cleaning as low-cost preventive medicine read on >
Survey: 9 of 10 Americans Take Cancer Prevention Steps
About 95 percent of Americans take some action to prevent cancer, according to a new survey. Three-quarters of respondents said they don’t smoke; 74 percent limit their alcohol consumption; 72 percent stick to a healthy diet; and 90 percent are aware of their family’s cancer history, the survey found. Women are far more likely than… read on >
Yoga May Bring Better Sleep to Breast Cancer Patients
As little as two times a week seemed to make a difference over long term read on >
Health Tip: Do You Have Athlete’s Foot?
Here are common warning signs
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