Sometimes, being too invested in just one sport may not be the best idea, new research shows. The study found that teen girls who focus only on one sport — in this case, soccer — tended to have more stress and poorer sleep than girls who also played other sports. The study couldn’t definitively “answer…  read on >

Although it’s becoming more commonplace, medical marijuana is rarely discussed in U.S. medical schools, a new study shows. “Medical education needs to catch up to marijuana legislation,” said senior author Dr. Laura Jean Bierut, a professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “Physicians in training need to know the benefits…  read on >

Many students who suffer a severe allergic reaction at school get potentially lifesaving epinephrine injections from unlicensed staff or other students, not a school nurse, a new study finds. “The findings highlight the importance of having a supply of epinephrine available in schools, and people trained to administer it during an allergy emergency,” said study…  read on >