Parents of children struggling with eczema or asthma might think that having a dog would only make it harder to control their child’s condition. But two new studies suggest man’s furry best friend might actually provide some protection against allergic diseases. The first study contends that having a dog in the house before you’re even…  read on >

Early signs suggest that the United States will see a severe flu season, so it’s especially important for Americans to get their shots, health experts say. Australia had its worst flu season on record, and what happens in the southern hemisphere typically predicts what happens in the northern hemisphere, said Kevin Harrod. He is a…  read on >

Children and adults with eczema shouldn’t suffer in silence because new, improved treatments can do more to help ease the uncomfortable, itchy rash associated with the skin condition. Many adults diagnosed with eczema (atopic dermatitis) actually had the condition since they were children but were never diagnosed, explained Dr. Luz Fonacier. She is an allergist…  read on >

Planning to have open heart surgery anytime soon? You might want to ask your cardiologist to book an afternoon slot in the OR. New research shows that heart operations performed in the afternoon produced better outcomes than those done in the morning. Because afternoon heart surgery syncs with the body’s circadian clock (the internal body…  read on >