Prevent traveler’s diarrhea
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All Health and Wellness:
Health Tip: Apply Bug Spray Properly
And help prevent Zika and West Nile
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An Expert’s Guide to Preventing Food Poisoning
Start by washing your hands and then prepare food carefully, emergency room doctor advises read on >
Antiperspirant Use Seems Safe During Breast Cancer Treatment: Study
Many doctors worry about skin damage during radiation, but new research found no such effect read on >
The Positive Side of Water-Cooler Gossip
‘Smart’ Underwear May Help Prevent Back Pain
With just a tap, wearable device eases stress, fatigue on lower back muscles, researchers say read on >
How Safe and Effective Is Your Sunscreen?
One out of three may not offer the right protection, study suggests read on >
Opioid Overdoses and Deaths Flooding U.S. Hospitals
Medical costs jumped more than $30,000 per patient in less than 10 years, study finds read on >
Parents of Preemies End Up Just Fine: Study
When kids are grown, quality of life is the same as for parents of babies born full-term read on >
Health Tip: Avoiding Animal Bites
It’s usually someone’s pet
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