Doctors should assess mental health at routine cardiac visits, study authors say read on >
All Health and Wellness:
When Is an Opioid Safe to Take?
Doctors say it can treat intense pain, but patients should stay on the drug for shortest time possible read on >
Boozing Can Age You Right Down to Your Cells
DNA studies reveal alcoholics have shorter telomeres, key markers of aging and overall health read on >
Immunizations for High Flyin’ Travelers
Don’t leave home without them read on >
Avoid a Nasty Surprise From the Barbecue Grill
Wire-bristle cleaning brushes pose an injury risk read on >
Choosing the Right Sunglasses
Protection for your eyes a must, doctors say read on >
Need Braces? Say Goodbye to ‘Metal-Mouth’ Taunts
Teeth can be straightened with a variety of options now, and some of them are even clear read on >
Regular Sleep Makes for Happier College Students
When erratic snoozers improve shut-eye habits, they feel better, study finds read on >
Some Republicans Voice Concerns About Senate Replacement for Obamacare
Conservatives say it doesn’t go far enough, moderates say it goes too far read on >
Can Smartphone Use Bring on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Maybe, especially for folks who spend more than 5 hours a day on their devices, study says read on >