Study of college students finds regular slumber schedule a key to success read on >
All Health and Wellness:
Can Folks With Type 2 Diabetes Forgo the Finger Stick?
Self-monitoring of blood sugar had no effect on long-term glucose levels in those not taking insulin, researchers say read on >
Health Tip: Keep Mosquitos Out of Your Yard
Take care of repairs and water problems
read on >
Vaginal Bacteria May Affect Herpes and Zika Transmission
Healthy ‘bugs’ might alter how the viruses work, researcher says read on >
Experimental Zika Vaccine Protects Mice Against Virus: Study
Just one dose provided 100 percent protection, researcher says read on >
New Drugs Show Promise as First to Prevent Migraine
Doctors now rely on medications approved for other purposes read on >
Even Your Bones Can Get Fat, Mouse Study Suggests
But running rodents improved their bone quality in just weeks, researchers say read on >
NBA Players’ Late-Night Tweets May Be Bad for Their Game: Study
Those who posted turned in a poorer performance the next day; lack of sleep the likely culprit read on >
Depression Can Slow Hospital Patients’ Recovery: Study
Screening for the mood disorder is important for successful healing, psychiatrist says read on >
1 in 7 Americans Has Kidney Disease: CDC
Statistics should serve as a ‘warning bell,’ health expert says read on >