Study of gay couples duplicates findings of earlier research read on >
Study of gay couples duplicates findings of earlier research read on >
Internet-fueled movement has heart experts concerned about potential consequences read on >
Fewer than 1 in 10 surveyed named all risk factors identified by the American Diabetes Association read on >
Here’s what to look for
read on >
If findings replicated, a shot every month or two could replace daily pills, scientists say read on >
Ongoing care is essential to prevent recurrence, experts say read on >
Pain occurs when cold food touches the back of the palate, neurologist says read on >
Even 10 years after procedure, many still playing sports, study finds read on >
Early menstruation, more frequent periods seem to make sad times less likely, researchers suggest read on >
Neurologist says one causes burning pain, the other causes problems with heart rate and blood pressure read on >