Most of the burden lies in poorer nations and not the U.S. and other wealthy countries, study finds read on >
All Health and Wellness:
Health Tip: Thinking About Psychological Therapy?
Issues that may be brought up
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Guidelines May Have Helped Curb ADHD Diagnoses in Preschoolers
Still, too few with disorder receive behavior therapy, child psychologist says read on >
Heart Failure Hospitalizations on the Rise in U.S.
But the length of stay is getting shorter and survival rates are going up, study finds read on >
Health Tip: Creating an Insulin Routine
Make it personal read on >
Health Tip: Getting Enough Sleep?
Signs of too little shuteye
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Brain Implant Lets ‘Locked-In’ ALS Patient Communicate
Signals sent to hand emerge as typed message on a tablet computer, researchers report read on >
DNA Isn’t Destiny: Healthy Living Can Overcome Genes Linked to Heart Disease
Study found exercise, healthy diet could lower odds for heart attack even in those at high genetic risk read on >
Omega-3s a Recipe for Healthy Blood Pressure in Young Adults
Study found higher blood levels of fatty acids were linked with lower blood pressure read on >
Most Elderly Smokers Don’t Use Anti-Smoking Meds After Heart Attack
Some may need convincing of value of giving up the habit, one geriatrician said read on >