Researchers suggest their bodies may respond differently than men after procedure read on >
Researchers suggest their bodies may respond differently than men after procedure read on >
Some will welcome extra hour of sleep, but others may struggle with depression during winter months read on >
For every year of smoking a pack daily, there were 150 more mutations found in each lung cell read on >
Anxiety about health can boost the chances for heart disease, study suggests read on >
Study results suggest latitude affects timing of disease onset read on >
Here are common warning signs
read on >
Athletes and non-athletes alike may overdo it, sometimes with tragic consequences read on >
Rather, adolescents’ nocturnal tendencies a mismatch for early school start times, sleep specialist says read on >
9 out of 10 exceed daily recommendations, CDC researchers find read on >
Medical conditions, mental illness and substance abuse problems often overlap, researchers say read on >