A drop of about 10 percent is possible, study authors suggest read on >
All Health and Wellness:
For Pot Smokers, Ambition May Go Up in Smoke
But the effect only happens when people are high and doesn’t persist, British researchers contend read on >
Bigger Brain Just Part of the Story in Human Intelligence
Study says people got smarter as their bodies evolved to feed more blood to the brain read on >
Health Tip: Chatting Before Bed Can Help You Sleep
Keep pillow talk light and relaxing
read on >
Most Americans Don’t Want Tobacco on Drug Store Shelves
Even half of current smokers think pharmacies should be tobacco-free read on >
Laser Pointers Can Cause Serious Eye Damage in Kids
Although uncommon, vision impairment from these devices can be permanent, study reports read on >
1 in 6 Younger Americans Wants to Die Before 80
Negative views of old age are powerful influence on how long people want to live, survey finds read on >
Drug-Coated Stents Don’t Improve Patient Survival, Large Study Reports
But, the pricier devices do lead to fewer repeat heart procedures read on >
3 Steps to Lower a Woman’s Risk of Premature Birth
Study finds there’s lots mothers-to-be can do to help ensure they deliver at full-term read on >
Ebola May Be Present in Semen for Year or More
And virus is more likely to be found in male survivors older than 40, researchers report read on >