An injection that relieves low back pain by helping damaged spinal discs regenerate appears to have sustained benefits, new clinical trial data show. Most patients who received an injection of VIA Disc received back pain relief that lasted at least three years, said lead researcher Dr. Douglas Beall, chief of radiology at Clinical Radiology of…  read on >  read on >

Children who have developmental delays may be at greater risk for complications after a tonsillectomy, researchers report. “This elevated risk of complications should be included in pre-operative counseling and has potential implications for pre-operative decision making and treatment plans in this high-risk population,” said Dr. Anthony Sheyn, chief of otolaryngology at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital…  read on >  read on >

Playing sports can be good for kids of all abilities. A leading medical organization offers some tips for getting children involved, while helping keep them safe and injury-free. “We encourage children to play a variety of sports, both to increase their enjoyment over time and to avoid injuries we often see with overuse,” said Dr.…  read on >  read on >

You toss, you turn, you can’t fall asleep. Certainly, there are sleep medications that can be prescribed by a doctor. And with some investment of time, cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia is considered to be an effective option. Yet, there are also a lot of healthy sleep habits and natural sleep aids that some experts believe…  read on >  read on >