New research suggests that pregnant women and new moms in rural U.S. areas are at greater risk of adverse outcomes, including death, because they are more likely to be uninsured. Women living in rural communities had lower rates of uninterrupted health insurance before, during and after pregnancy compared to those in urban areas, a University… read on > read on >
All Health and Wellness:
Do You Need an Insulin-Resistance Diet?
People with health conditions like type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or polycystic ovarian syndrome may have been advised about the value of an insulin-resistance diet. But this way of eating can benefit most people interested in balancing blood sugars, whether that’s to help treat or prevent chronic conditions, or just to gain more energy and… read on > read on >
Obamacare Helped Women in Some Southern States Get Better Breast Cancer Care
The Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid makes it more likely that a woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer earlier rather than at an advanced, harder-to-treat stage, new research suggests. Not all U.S. states expanded Medicaid coverage after the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) made it possible in 2010. That’s because the… read on > read on >
Deer Carry COVID Variants No Longer Seen in People
While COVID-19 variants Alpha, Gamma and Delta are no longer circulating among humans, they continue to spread in white-tailed deer. The animals are the most abundant large mammal in North America. Scientists aren’t sure whether the deer could act as long-term reservoirs for these obsolete variants. In a new study, researchers at Cornell University, in… read on > read on >
How Phone Calls Could Boost Survival for Heart Failure Patients
A phone call from a nurse may be the lifeline needed to help improve survival for heart failure patients. New research from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles finds that check-in calls may help save lives. “There’s a lot of new technology and new ideas about how to manage people who have… read on > read on >
Doctors Often Prescribe Antidepressants for Pain, But Do They Really Work?
Antidepressants are often prescribed to people suffering from chronic pain, but a new evidence review argues that the science behind these prescriptions is shaky at best. These drugs helped people in chronic pain in only a quarter of potential uses tested, and even then the effect ranged from low to moderate, according to a combined… read on > read on >
Black Stroke Survivors Less Likely to Get Treated for Complications
Having a stroke is a life-altering experience, and complications can crop up afterwards, but a new study finds the color of your skin may determine whether you are treated for them. In the year following a stroke, Black and Hispanic patients were not treated for common complications as often as white patients were, researchers found.… read on > read on >
Do You Live in a ‘Food Swamp’? It Could Be Raising Your Heart Risk
Americans who live near a “food swamp” may have a higher risk of suffering a stroke, a preliminary study finds. A number of studies have looked at the health consequences of living in a so-called food desert — areas with few grocery stores or other options for buying fresh food. Food swamps are different: The… read on > read on >
AHA News: Pregnancy Complications Could Increase Woman’s Stroke Risk at Earlier Age
THURSDAY, Feb. 2, 2023 (American Heart Association News) — Women who have pregnancy-related health problems face an increased risk for having a stroke much earlier in life than their peers with uncomplicated pregnancies, a risk that climbs with each complicated pregnancy, new research suggests. The findings, which will be presented Feb. 8 at the American… read on > read on >
AHA News: Las complicaciones durante el embarazo podrían aumentar el riesgo de derrame cerebral a temprana edad
JUEVES, 2 de febrero de 2023 (American Heart Association News) — Las mujeres que presentan problemas de salud relacionados con el embarazo se enfrentan a un mayor riesgo de sufrir un derrame cerebral mucho más temprano en la vida que sus contemporáneas con embarazos sin complicaciones, un riesgo que se acrecienta con cada embarazo complicado,… read on > read on >