Harried, overworked anesthesiologists could be raising hospital patients’ risk of death and complications, a new study reports. It’s not uncommon to have one anesthesiologist directing the anesthesia care for multiple surgeries at the same time, overseeing the work of lower-ranking anesthesia clinicians assigned to each operation. But the risk to patients rises with the number…  read on >  read on >

While humans typically use their sight to orient themselves, dogs navigate the world by combining their sense of smell with their vision. So claims a new study that found dogs’ sense of smell is integrated with their vision and other unique parts of their brain. “We’ve never seen this connection between the nose and the…  read on >  read on >

(HealthDay News) – It’s long been conventional wisdom that weather makes arthritis pain worse. The issue has been studied through the years, with conflicting findings. But three recent studies found weather does have some impact, said Dr. Robert Shmerling, writing for the Harvard Health Blog. In one study with 222 participants who had arthritis of…  read on >  read on >

In a mix of bad and good news, a new large study confirms that COVID can raise the risks of new-onset heart trouble and diabetes — though those threats typically wane again after a few months. The study, of nearly 430,000 British COVID patients, found that the risks of suffering a blood clot or heartbeat…  read on >  read on >

U.S. hospitals became much safer places for patients over the past decade, with medical errors and adverse events declining significantly across the nation, federal government data show. Between 2010 and 2019, patient safety dramatically improved among the four types of conditions for which people are most often hospitalized: heart attacks, heart failure, pneumonia and major…  read on >  read on >

Having friends in childhood may help keep you clean and sober as a young adult, new research suggests. Researchers from Arizona State University (ASU) interviewed more than 300 college students who participated in assessments that focused on childhood loneliness, stress levels and drinking behaviors. The results determined there was a link between feelings of loneliness…  read on >  read on >

Roughly 30 million Americans have an eating disorder in their lifetime, and calls to a nationwide support group have surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Between March 2020 and October 2021, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) recorded a 58% increase in calls, texts and emails seeking help. Behind opioid addiction, eating disorders have the second…  read on >  read on >

Most people who have had a knee replacement would agree that the procedure brings relief from pain. And following a comprehensive rehabilitation plan can make recovery quicker and easier, and improve long-term mobility, according to doctors at Penn Medicine, in Pennsylvania. Typically, immediately after knee replacement surgery, patients are moved to a recovery room for…  read on >  read on >