People who douse their meals in salt may have a shorter life than those who rarely reach for the salt shaker, a large new study suggests. The study, of more than 500,000 British adults, found that those who always sprinkled salt on their food at the table were 28% more likely to die prematurely than…  read on >  read on >

As the coronavirus continues to evolve, a new highly contagious Omicron variant is appearing in India and other nations, including the United States, experts say. This new mutation — dubbed BA.2.75 — is concerning scientists because it appears to spread fast, bypassing the protection offered by COVID-19 vaccines and immunity from previous infection, the Associated…  read on >  read on >

MONDAY, July 11, 2022 (American Heart Association News) — Flu-like illnesses can increase the risk for stroke among adults, but being vaccinated might lower those odds, especially among those under 45, new research finds. The study, published Monday in the American Heart Association journal Stroke, found flu-like illnesses increased the odds of having a stroke…  read on >  read on >

Long, restful and — most importantly — regular sleep is key to helping kindergarteners adjust to school, and a new study urges parents to start forming good sleep habits a full year ahead of time. Researchers found that kids who regularly got 10 hours of sleep or more before beginning kindergarten reaped big benefits. These…  read on >  read on >

Babies’ babble may be smarter than you think. A new study shows that infants as young as 3- to 5-months of age can tell that the unintelligible sounds they make before they learn to talk can impact the people around them. Traditionally, this babbling has been regarded simply as a byproduct of babies trying to…  read on >  read on >

If you are feeling stressed and depressed, new research suggests that grabbing a trowel and getting your hands dirty may improve your mood. Researchers found that tending to plants can reap mental health benefits, even for first-time gardeners. The activity was linked to decreased stress, anxiety and depression in healthy women who attended twice-weekly gardening…  read on >  read on >

Wearing a bike helmet can save the life of your young child or teenager, but it needs to fit well to really do its job. A well-fitting bike helmet significantly reduces the odds of serious head injury or death due to a bicycle, scooter or skateboard accident, experts say. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles offers some…  read on >  read on >

Under growing pressure from his own party, President Joe Biden on Friday issued an executive order designed to help protect women’s access to abortion. Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court ended nationwide access to abortion, guaranteed for nearly 50 years under the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. Speaking to reporters at the White House…  read on >  read on >