A year after being hospitalized with COVID-19, more than 12% of patients had been diagnosed with heart inflammation, according to a new study of the long-term effects of the virus. For the study, researchers in Scotland followed 159 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 between May 2020 and March 2021. A year later, many patients had ongoing… read on > read on >
All Health and Wellness:
Prostate Cancer May Raise Risk for Blood Clots
Doctors need to be aware that prostate cancer raises a man’s risk of serious and potentially deadly blood clots by about 50%, researchers say. All cancer patients are at increased risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE), a dangerous but treatable blood clot in the veins that is a leading cause of death in cancer patients. Prostate… read on > read on >
Use Pot? You May Need More Sedation During Endoscopies
If you use pot, you may need more sedation than normal during a gastric endoscopy, according to a new study. “Patients didn’t have increased awareness or discomfort during procedures, but they did require more drugs,” lead author Dr. Yasmin Nasser said in a news release from the American Gastroenterological Association. Nasser is an assistant professor… read on > read on >
Colon Cancer Death Rates Are Falling Among the Young — But Only for Whites
Race and ethnicity matter when battling colon cancer, with young white patients facing notably better odds than Black, Hispanic or Asian patients, new research warns. A look at colon cancer survival among Americans younger than 50 turned up a glaring discrepancy: Survival five years after diagnosis improved to nearly 70% among white patients over two… read on > read on >
Medical Marijuana May Offer Safe Pain Relief for Cancer Patients
Cancer patients who use medical marijuana experience less pain and a better quality of life, Israeli researchers report. And, their new study found, these patients were able to rely less on opioid painkillers, with minimal side effects. “I hope people pay attention to the results of this study and use cannabis when appropriate for patients… read on > read on >
COVID Can ‘Rebound’ After Treatment With Paxlovid, CDC Says
COVID-19 can make a comeback after an infected person has gone through a round of Paxlovid, the antiviral used to minimize a bout with the coronavirus, according to an advisory issued Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Recent case reports document that some patients with normal immune response who have completed… read on > read on >
AHA News: New Study Looks at Heart Defect Risk in Children of People With Heart Defects
TUESDAY, May 24, 2022 (American Heart Association News) — Congenital heart defects may be much more common among children of women with heart defects than of men with heart defects, according to new research. Smaller studies had already reported a higher offspring risk for mothers with congenital heart defects, or CHDs. But researchers wanted to… read on > read on >
With Abortion Access Under Threat, Doctors Focus on ‘Contraceptive Counseling’
Women are more apt to use birth control when doctors treat it like a routine preventive health service, a new research review shows. The analysis of 38 past studies found that women were more likely to use contraception when doctors were proactive about counseling them on the options, and in many cases providing the contraceptive.… read on > read on >
Cancer Patients Have Even Greater Need for COVID Boosters: Study
Cancer patients continue to face more risk from COVID-19, even if they’ve been vaccinated. Although vaccination is effective for most people who have cancer (even though they’re immunocompromised by the disease and their cancer treatments), its effectiveness wanes more rapidly in this group, by three to six months compared to the general population, new research… read on > read on >
AHA News: Family’s Heart Disease History Inspired Her Fitness – and Got Her to the Base of Mount Everest
TUESDAY, May 24, 2022 (American Heart Association News) — Lisa Abbott scrolled through the online auction offerings of the American Alpine Club’s fundraiser. As a rock climber, ice climber, scuba diver and marathon runner, she enjoyed daydreaming about the various trips up for grabs. One offering stood out: a guided two-week trek through the Khumbu… read on > read on >