Eating lots of fruits, veggies, beans and other foods with inflammation-cooling properties may lower your odds of developing dementia as you age. But, if your diet is loaded with pro-inflammatory foods, you may be up to three times more likely to experience memory loss and issues with language, problem-solving and other thinking skills as you…  read on >  read on >

Multiple sclerosis patients might be able to think more clearly and move more easily if they regularly undergo whole-body vibration training, a new pilot study reports. A small group of MS patients who experienced vibration training showed improvements in decision making, information processing, attention and memory, according to findings recently published in the International Journal…  read on >  read on >

Call it the great pandemic sit-down. As COVID-19 turned daily commutes into shuffles between rooms at home, and Netflix replaced time spent at the gym or playing sports, Americans have been sitting a lot more. Now a new study suggests it may be putting their mental health at risk. “We knew COVID was going to…  read on >  read on >

Male doctors are much more likely to refer patients to male surgeons, rather than send them to female surgeons with equal qualifications and experience, a new study finds. “During my 20 years in practice, I always had the sense it was easier for my male surgical colleagues to get referrals than it was for me,…  read on >  read on >