Electric scooters may be a boon for the environment but not so much for riders. A surprising study finds that the injury rate in one Los Angeles neighborhood for riders of e-scooters topped that for users of motorcycles, bicycles and cars nationwide. “There are millions of riders now using these scooters, so it’s more important… read on > read on >
All Health and Wellness:
U.S. Medical Schools’ Faculty Still Lack Diversity: Study
U.S. medical schools are not keeping pace with a nation that is more racially and ethnically diverse every day, a new study reports. The schools’ clinical faculty and leadership are not as diverse as the communities around them, though there are some positive developments, according to the findings. It is not enough to set diversity… read on > read on >
Science Reveals Secrets of ‘Puppy Dog Eyes’
If you’ve ever wondered how your pooch flashes those “puppy dog eyes” that melt your heart, a new study may provide some answers. The researchers identified certain muscle features that help dogs look so cute, and it suggests that thousands of years of selective breeding have contributed to their ability to use expressions to their… read on > read on >
New Charts Track ‘Normal’ Brain Growth, Decline Through the Life Span
Doctors use all sorts of tools to determine if a person is fit and developing normally — charts tracking height and weight for growing children, tables showing healthy blood pressure and cholesterol in adults. Now an international team of researchers has created the first standardized tool to track brain development, based on one of the… read on > read on >
Could Antibiotic-Resistant Germs Be Passed Between You & Your Pet?
Humans and their pets tend to share a tight bond, but they may also share antibiotic-resistant bacteria, new research shows. Even worse for humans is the fact that these bacteria may contain antibiotic-resistant genes that can make the bacteria they already have in their bodies resistant to some antibiotics, such as penicillin and cephalosporins, the… read on > read on >
Got A-Fib? Shed Pounds Before Treatment to Stop Its Return
If you’re one of the millions of people with a common heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation (a-fib), losing weight before treatment may increase the odds that your a-fib doesn’t come back. In a new study, patients with a-fib who were overweight or obese when they underwent ablation to correct their abnormal heart rhythm were… read on > read on >
AHA News: Walking Your Way to Better Health? Remember the Acronym FIT
WEDNESDAY, April 6, 2022 (American Heart Association News) — So you put on extra pounds during the pandemic. Your cholesterol’s too high. Maybe you need to do a better job managing blood pressure. It can feel like a lot to tackle. But taking that first step toward better health can be as easy as …… read on > read on >
Half of Americans Now Die With Dementia Diagnosis, Better Record-Keeping May Be Why
A record number of American adults are now dying with a dementia diagnosis, new research shows. Yet, that increase of 36% from two decades ago may have more to do with better record-keeping than an actual rise in dementia cases, the study authors said. About half of all older adults are diagnosed with dementia before… read on > read on >
More Evidence COVID Vaccine Offers Good Protection for Most Cancer Patients
Vaccines did a good job protecting most cancer patients against COVID-19, but those with blood cancers remain at risk for breakthrough infections, new research suggests. The study analyzed nationwide data on more than 64,000 U.S. cancer patients who were vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. The researchers looked at types of cancer, key treatments and other risk factors,… read on > read on >
EPA Proposes to Ban Last Form of Asbestos Used in U.S.
A proposed rule to ban ongoing uses of the only known form of asbestos imported into the United States has been introduced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The ban would apply to chrysotile asbestos, which is known to cause cancer and is found in products like asbestos diaphragms, sheet gaskets, brake blocks, aftermarket… read on > read on >