If you’ve already had COVID-19, your natural antibodies may last as long as 20 months, a new study suggests. While this is reassuring, experts are quick to caution that the new findings don’t necessarily mean you’re protected against reinfection, and that vaccines remain an important part of a COVID-19 prevention strategy. “This study tells us…  read on >  read on >

Got dry, itchy eyes? Working out might help, a new study suggests. “Instead of having to use eye drops or other alternative treatments, our study aimed to determine if remaining physically active can be an effective preventative measure against dryness,” said study co-author Heinz Otchere. He is a doctoral candidate in vision science at the…  read on >  read on >

It’s a fate many older women fear: loneliness and isolation as they age. Now, new research suggests those feelings may also predispose them to heart disease. The findings may be especially relevant now because of social distancing required by the pandemic. “We are social beings. In this time of COVID-19, many people are experiencing social…  read on >  read on >