Kids with autism who speak more than one language tend to have fewer symptoms from their disorder. Being multilingual not only enhances their general cognitive abilities, but also helps them better control their daily thoughts and actions, researchers reported in a study published recently in the journal Autism Research. These results should alleviate worries some…  read on >  read on >

More and more adults are stuck in the middle of their families, caring not only for their children but also for aging parents and other older family members. The mental and physical health of these “sandwich carers” is more likely to deteriorate over time, a new study published in the journal Public Health says. “These…  read on >  read on >

Rates of whooping cough in the U.S. continue to climb, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Over 32,000 cases reported have been reported as of mid-December — about six times more than there were at this time last year, and more than there have been since 2014, according to CNN.…  read on >  read on >

Turns out, starting physical therapy earlier after a concussion may significantly improve recovery outcomes. A new study published recently in the Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal followed just over 200 adults recovering from mild traumatic brain injuries, or concussions, who were within two to 12 weeks from their injury. Researchers found that those who started…  read on >  read on >

Some brain cells are more susceptible to the ravages of aging than others, a new mouse study has found. These results could shed new light on why people’s risk for dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders increase with age, researchers said in a study published Jan. 1 in the journal Nature. “Aging is the…  read on >  read on >

It’s not fun for folks to admit to their doctor that they’re a couch potato. But such a frank talk could help protect against chronic disease, a new study says. People with the highest levels of physical activity have a lower risk of 19 different chronic health problems, researchers reported recently in the journal Preventing…  read on >  read on >

A Canadian teen’s severe bird flu infection has highlighted growing concerns about the H5N1 virus, commonly known as bird flu, which has seen a steady rise in human cases across the U.S. According to a news release, the 13-year-old, who was hospitalized in November, had asthma and obesity but was otherwise in good health before…  read on >  read on >