Children whose mothers had diabetes during pregnancy are at increased risk for severe forms of common eye problems such as far- and near-sightedness and astigmatism, a long-term study suggests. Collectively, they’re known as refractive errors, conditions in which the eye is unable to properly focus images on the retina. “As many [refractive errors] in young…  read on >  read on >

Lyme disease can exact a significant mental toll as well as a physical one on its sufferers, a new study confirms. Patients hospitalized for Lyme disease had a 28% higher incidence of mental disorders and were twice as likely to attempt suicide than people without Lyme, researchers report. “These findings highlight the need for greater…  read on >  read on >

There’s strong evidence that the steroid drug dexamethasone can significantly lower hospitalized patients’ risk of dying from COVID-19, but many who might benefit from it the most aren’t getting it. “Dexamethasone is a steroid that is used for the treatment of arthritis, inflammation and allergic reactions,” explained Hemalkumar Mehta, who studied its use in treating…  read on >  read on >

Twenty seconds. That’s how long you need to wash your hands to remove germs, a new physics study confirms. Typical hand-washing guidelines — including those from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — advise scrubbing your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds. To assess that recommendation, researchers used a mathematical model to…  read on >  read on >

While the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the United States has been dominating the news, an old viral enemy has been making a quieter comeback. In late spring, U.S. pediatric hospitals began reporting an unexpected rise in serious infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Unlike COVID-19, RSV is a long-established foe that normally emerges…  read on >  read on >

The anesthesia drug ketamine and a related medicine called esketamine appear to be safe for tough-to-treat depression, researchers report. A number of studies have suggested that low doses of ketamine, which is also abused as a club drug under monikers that include “K” and “Special K,” provide rapid antidepressant effects, typically improving mood within 24…  read on >  read on >