Once you’ve landed that coveted coronavirus vaccine appointment, you’ll likely have to fill out a form on your medical history and whether you’re allergic to any of the vaccine’s ingredients. But there could be another question waiting for you: Have you ever had dermal filler injections? That’s because — in rare cases — people who’ve…  read on >  read on >

Turning down the music at your fitness classes won’t affect the intensity of your workout, researchers say. It’s common for fitness instructors to crank up the volume — sometimes to levels loud enough to damage hearing — because they think it will help students work harder. But researchers at the University of Maryland School of…  read on >  read on >

Older adults in long-term care develop detectible antibodies after COVID-19 vaccination, which may mean it’s safe to reopen these facilities, according to a new study. But because it’s unclear how long the antibodies last, researchers from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) say there’s still a need to monitor symptoms and controls on reopening. “COVID-19…  read on >  read on >

COVID-19 might have a tough new foe: The sun. New research shows that sunnier regions of the United States have lower COVID-19 death rates than cloudier areas, suggesting that the sun’s UV rays might somehow provide some protection against the disease. The effect is not due to better uptake of the healthy “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin…  read on >  read on >