Regardless of their family’s insurance status, many children get medical care they don’t need, a new study suggests. One in 11 publicly insured and 1 in 9 privately insured children in the United States were given what the researchers called unnecessary, “low-value” care in 2014, the researchers report. “While we found that publicly insured children…  read on >

Testosterone therapy is no fountain of youth for older men, though it might help some who are impotent. That’s according to new guidelines from the American College of Physicians — the first from the group to address the issue of treating age-related “low T.” It’s known that men’s testosterone levels decline with age. And for…  read on >

Christmas trees are involved in a few hundred fires annually, says the Texas Department of Insurance. The longer a tree stays up after the holidays, the greater a fire hazard it becomes. To take down the Christmas tree safely, the department suggests: Discard a tree within one month after purchase. Dispose of needles quickly as…  read on >

A do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order typically instructs healthcare providers not to perform CPR if your breathing or heart stops, says MedlinePlus. A DNR order should be created before an emergency. Treatments such as pain medicine or nutrition typically are not included in the order. Your family usually cannot override a DNR order. If you are unable…  read on >

If your child is going to be home alone, it’s a good idea to have the child check in periodically, says the American Red Cross. For older children, ground rules about having friends over and cooking should also be established. The Red Cross mentions other steps parents should take: Post an emergency phone list where…  read on >

From certain paints to some detergents, common household items can contain toxic chemicals, says the Cleveland Clinic. To protect yourself from household chemicals, Cleveland Clinic urges: When working with oven cleaners, wear an apron, gloves and goggles. Ensure that the area you’re using chemicals in is well-ventilated. Wear latex dishwashing gloves when using antibacterial cleaners.…  read on >

Exercise may do more than build body strength: New research shows it might also keep brain cells in shape. According to the study, exercise helps maintain the brain’s gray matter, which is linked to various skills and thinking abilities. So, keeping your gray matter intact may help prevent thinking declines, the German researchers explained. The…  read on >

You made your resolution — this year was finally going to be the year you lost weight. But then your neighbor stopped by with a plate of cookies, and well, your resolve didn’t even last a day. Maybe next year? But instead of looking at your resolutions as a sweeping year-long project, what if you…  read on >

If 2020 is the year you’ve resolved to quit smoking, don’t start vaping. No matter what e-cigarette companies advertise, their products aren’t approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a safe and effective way to give up tobacco, the American Lung Association warns. And switching from tobacco to e-cigarettes isn’t quitting. “The simple…  read on >

If you need yet another health reason to get enough sleep, here’s one that may wake you up: Science shows that a loss of sleep can make you eat more. And that doesn’t mean healthful salads and green veggies. Studies have shown that total sleep deprivation can trigger a reward system in the brain in…  read on >