When heart failure strikes, being a lifelong bachelor may mean you might die sooner than women or previously married men diagnosed with the same condition, a new study suggests. Lifetime marital history appears to be an important predictor of survival in men with heart failure, but not women. Specifically, lifelong bachelors had significantly worse long-term…  read on >  read on >

Getting good sleep may have long-term benefits — even extending your life span, a new study suggests. Researchers found that young people with better sleep habits were incrementally less likely to die early. About 8% of deaths from any cause could be attributed to poor sleep patterns. Study co-author Dr. Frank Qian, a resident at…  read on >  read on >

Confused about emergency contraception? The experts have you covered. Here’s a breakdown of what emergency contraception is, the different types that are available, the side effects you may experience, and how emergency contraception works. Plus, you’ll find out where you can get emergency contraception. What is emergency contraception? Emergency contraception is a way to prevent…  read on >  read on >

Living closer to outdoor spaces and natural water may be better for your mental health, researchers say. A new study finds that close proximity to nature may reduce an older person’s risk for serious psychological distress. That distress can lead to mild impairment of thinking and memory, as well as dementia. The study is scheduled…  read on >  read on >

WEDNESDAY, Feb, 22, 2023Vaginal dryness. It happens to most postmenopausal women, but few talk about it and even fewer get treated for it. Vaginal dryness is a painful condition that occurs when the lining of the vagina does not produce enough lubrication. A healthy vagina has a thick discharge that keeps the tissues lubricated and…  read on >  read on >

About 44% of U.S. middle and high schools have student-run clubs that shine a light on issues that touch the lives of LGBTQ+ students. And new research suggests that depression risk among LGBTQ+ students is considerably lower in those schools where such Gender-Sexuality Alliances (GSAs), similar to Gay-Straight Alliances, are present and relatively active. “Depression…  read on >  read on >