Getting hitched could help middle-aged and older folks get a better handle on their blood sugar, a new study reports. People living with a spouse appeared to be better able to maintain lower blood sugar levels than single folks, according to the findings. This benefit held regardless of the state of their relationship, the researchers…  read on >  read on >

That feeling of crushing pain in your chest can be a medical emergency, but it can also be angina pectoris, or “stable angina” — a symptom of coronary heart disease that can be managed with medication. Angina can be stable, unstable, variant or refractory, so it’s important for people having chest pain to see a…  read on >  read on >

People who get COVID-19 are at risk for long-term health consequences, but a healthy lifestyle may protect against long COVID, a new study suggests. Women who maintained six healthy habits — a healthy weight, didn’t smoke, exercised regularly, slept and ate well, and drank alcohol in moderation — cut their risk of long COVID by…  read on >  read on >

Electric cars are still in the minority on America’s roads, yet researchers are already seeing health benefits from reduced tailpipe pollution. In a new California study, neighborhoods with the most all-electric cars — called zero-emission vehicles — saw a decline in asthma-related emergency room visits. Researchers believe this was a result of lower levels of…  read on >  read on >

MONDAY, Feb. 6, 2023 (HealthDay News) – A central Ohio measles outbreak among children who were not fully vaccinated is now over, public health officials announced Saturday. Columbus Health declared the outbreak finished with no new cases after a period of 42 days — the equivalent of two measles virus incubation periods. In all, 85…  read on >  read on >