Getting prior authorizations to see a specialist, dealing with errors on medical bills and even scheduling appointments can be a big hassle. That’s clear to anyone who has spent time on the phone handling issues with insurance companies or doctors’ offices. For some patients, in fact, it’s a hurdle that’s caused them to delay or…  read on >  read on >

It’s hard to resist those big, pleading eyes in the pet store window. But buyer beware. Pet store puppies may infect people with a bacteria for which no common antibiotic treatment exists, a new study warns. Campylobacter jejuni (C jejuni) cannot be treated with any common antibiotics and is an increasing public health threat, according…  read on >  read on >

When Americans are eligible for Medicare at age 65, they see a significant drop in their out-of-pocket medical costs. Lowering the eligibility age would save even more, especially for people with the highest out-of-pocket costs, according to a new study. “Medicare really improves financial risk protection for older adults, and reducing the age of Medicare…  read on >  read on >