With roughly 100 million stockpiled doses of coronavirus vaccine in hand, the Biden Administration is developing a plan to start offering booster shots to many Americans as early as this fall. Among the first to receive them could be health care workers, nursing home residents and other older Americans, officials said. On Sunday, Dr. Francis…  read on >  read on >

All Canadian airline, cruise ship and rail travelers, as well as all government employees will be required to have COVID-19 vaccinations as early as September, officials said Sunday. The government said in a news release that it will consult with “key stakeholders, including bargaining agents and transportation sector operators, as we plan for the implementation…  read on >  read on >

The wildfire smoke now smothering wide portions of the United States isn’t just stinging eyes and tightening chests — it also might be contributing to the current surge of severe COVID-19 cases. Data from three Western states subject to frequent wildfires shows that COVID-19 cases and deaths increase with the amount of smoke pollution in…  read on >  read on >

Rewards such as “likes” and “shares” fuel expressions of moral outrage on social media because they reward people who post such messages, a new study suggests. “Social media’s incentives are changing the tone of our political conversations online,” said first author William Brady, a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at Yale University in New Haven, Conn.…  read on >  read on >

COVID-19 vaccination triggers a strong immune response in people with HIV, meaning they’re likely protected against the coronavirus, a new, small study shows. “Previous research has suggested a suboptimal response to COVID-19 vaccines in people living with HIV; however, these studies did not fully characterize and define that response, both for cellular [where the immune…  read on >  read on >

The benefits of regular outdoor exercise in areas with air pollution outweigh the risks, a new, long-term study claims. “Habitual exercise reduces the risk of death regardless of exposure to air pollution, and air pollution generally increases the risk of death regardless of habitual exercise,” said researcher Dr. Xiang Qian Lao, from the Jockey Club…  read on >  read on >

Masks are making an unwanted comeback in many parts of the United States, after new data showing that fully vaccinated people with “breakthrough” coronavirus infections carry enough virus in their bodies to pose a potential risk to the unvaccinated. But these breakthrough infections — which have become slightly more common with the highly transmissible Delta…  read on >  read on >

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday authorized a third “booster” shot of coronavirus vaccines for people with weakened immune systems, as the highly contagious Delta variant continues to surge across the country. Expanding the emergency use of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines should help protect those patients who are considered most vulnerable to…  read on >  read on >